Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 18

While reading report cards this week and sitting in on some student/parent conferences I tend to reflect on what does it mean when we say that a student earned an F or a 0. At your grade level meetings and after reading the notes you sent to me, I was hoping that many of you may have noticed a pattern. Why are our EL and minority students failing? How can we support them? This should have led to a very strategic approach your grade level team has set in place on how the next few months will be spent to help support our students. 

Behavior is a message (Appelstein, 1998). When children and youth misbehave, often in very serious ways, such as setting fires, committing violent acts of aggression, or cutting themselves – it’s as if there is a neon light flashing over their heads, announcing: I need help! I need help! Fortunately, adults can respond to these calls for help with an effective, evidence-based strategy. Strength-based practice is a proven approach to guiding off-track lives that positively transforms our most vulnerable here to read more about this article

No Such Thing as a Bad Kid: Understanding and Responding to Kids with Emotional & Behavioral Challenges Using a Positive, Trauma-Informed, Strength-Based Approach

April 26, 2016
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM 

Will C. Wood High School Theater

Register online at:

Now that I have your attention, this is a GREAT article (HERE) to read and get strategies, super easy, for you to implement in your classroom and turn into GREAT habits!

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Sunshine Committee for hosting a great baby shower for Katie. Thank you for supporting Kit at a time where she really needs us.
Play: Thanks Carole and Sarah for having your students perform their spring sing. LOVE IT!!
Choose your attitude: 
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day:  Fill out a good news referral and make a student’s day.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

March 11, 2016

I can't even remember the last time I was this sick. I went down on Friday night and didn't come out of my fever haze until 2:00 pm yesterday. It is so nice to be back on campus but it is a bit challenging (not sure my stomach can take it). I didn't even have the energy to check my email (you know there is a HUGE problem if I am not working). I literally slept the entire time. I am behind and will try to quickly catch up today. I would like to apologize ahead a time of my tardiness.  

We are entering SBAC/CAASPP testing season and we reviewed the teacher testing administration guide (quickly) at our February faculty meeting.  Please review it HERE so that we don't have to read it slide by slide and we can sign off on the affidavit.


Friday, March 4, 2016

March 4, 2016

So I am IN- taking a chance and going to send my weekly newsletter in blog form. I had another colleague challenge me-  I can NEVER resist a challenge. As many of you know I am very competitive
Here is the 1, 2, 3, 4 5 Connected Educator Challenge!

1.  What has been your ONE biggest struggle this year?
Seriously.  One?  I struggle with so many things from time management of family vs. school to keeping my cool.  I think my biggest struggle is keeping my patience with people who truly don't understand that I try to MAKE DECISIONS in the best interest of our students and staff.  Always.!!

2.  Share TWO accomplishments you are proud of this year
Again.  Seriously?  Just two?  I have SO MANY!
I am so proud to have all of our new students and staff here. We are working on Restorative Justice and focusing on POSITIVE recognition. I know that it is not perfect, and we already know what to change for 16-17.
I am also proud of the collaboration among our staff!  The sharing, stealing, borrowing, and WORKING TOGETHER has been AWESOME and makes my heart happy DAILY!  I love that the classified staff (yard duty, office, custodial) jump in to help anywhere at anytime!

3.  What are THREE things you hope to accomplish before the end of this school year?
I hope that we can accomplish collaboration that works for our staff!  
I hope that we can recognize ALL the positive things our students do on a daily basis!
I hope that we get accepted as a California Gold Ribbon school for our AG program. We have made it to the second step!

4.  Give FOUR reasons you remain in education in today's rough culture.
I love our kids.  Period.  They test every one of my boundaries and yet, I still love them. I love our staff.  Period.  It has been a five year journey of building trust both ways and I love the POSITIVENESS (is it a word??) that we continue to spread.
I love that we can continue to make more POSITIVE changes to support our students from the multiple people watching out for their safety and many, many, more!!
I love being a cheerleader for our students and staff and SCHOOL!!  Everyone needs a cheerleader!!

5.  What FIVE people do you hope will take the challenge to answer these questions
I know that you are all busy and the first 5 ROCK STARS that take this challenge have a prize waiting for them from me!! CLICK HERE YOUR ANSWERS!!

Suisun Valley School is a regional winner of the Get Schooled 2015 Fall Attendance Challenge
We are excited to celebrate all of your hard work and accomplishments!  As one of the regional winners of the Challenge, Suisun Valley School has earned $1,000 and a DJ dance/pizza party as well as some other cool/fun things to incorporate into the event.
Thank you for engaging your students in the Challenge and keeping them focused on their educational goals.  We appreciate all the great work you and your students are doing every single day throughout the school year. Suisun Valley did an amazing job in the Challenge and had an attendance increase of 4.29%.  We also completed close to 2,000 educational activities on to increase our score in the Challenge.  Nationally, SuisunValley came in 5th in the competition.
The event will be March 8 from 1:30pm – 2:40pm in the multi for our 6th-8th graders.

Check out this vocab video on the word IMPROVE click here

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: for each other and play basketball as a staff after school on March 8th. So SAD that I am missing it!! Wonder if I an Skype in :)
Play: Thanks Katie and Janice for planning our AR celebration. Get Schooled attendance party should be so much FUN!! Thanks Vicky!!
Choose your attitude: 
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?"
Make Their Day:  
Fill out a good news referral and make a student’s day.