Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 25, 2017

May 25

I always look forward to Memorial Day weekend. We start off our weekend on Saturday to watch Fiesta Days parade in Vacaville and remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. For the past 11 years we have a party with at least 60 of our close friends and family at our home that evening. I enjoy catching up with everyone since our life is HECTIC!!  As many of you know I LOVE dinner parties!!

C'mon!  We know it is the end of the year and this is the time to TRY NEW strategies to keep our kids engaged!  How can you avoid burn out?  How can you put an end to kids "resting" in your classroom?  Take a look at THIS ARTICLE about easy hacks to incorporate in your classroom including small groups, moving, learning stations and more!  There are even classrooms on our campus that are already ROCKIN' with this so go SEE THEM IN ACTION!!  Our kids deserve it!

4 ideas to turn any worksheet into an activity to keep students engaged and having fun |

I would like to take some time to introduce a new teacher to our site!! Denise Brown will be teaching 7th/8th grade. Here is a little about her: 

I’m a math geek and learning junkie. My family of educators has its origin in rural Oregon.  Growing up, I knew my function in life was to be a teacher. I began my teaching career in a school that I loved, and parallels SV in its agricultural setting and community involvement. Our family translated to Erie, PA for nine years where
I added Career School Administrator to my set of skills.  In 2004 we converged back on our west coast roots. My job iterations here in FSUSD have included MS and HS Math Teacher/Department Chair, Math Specialist and Consulting Teacher. Additionally, I distribute my love for math through my role as teacher-leader with UC Davis Math Project.
My interests are quite divergent. I love plotting around in the mountains, as well as sitting home quilting, I get equal enjoyment out of sliding down an Olympic bobsled
track and baking cookies with my granddaughter. My calculated moto is,  “Life
is short, eat dessert first.” I see Infinite possibilities at SV and am excited to be joining the middle school team!

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you for sharing so many classroom/student presentations. It was so nice to see the students be respectful of one another and take a true interest in what was being presented! Way to be a DRAGON!!!
Play: Thank you Lindsay and Melissa for putting on an AMAZING talent show! So fun!!
Choose your attitude: 
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day:  You still have time- make a positive phone call home! Students and parents LOVE this!!

Upcoming dates:
May 26 and May 29  No School
May 30-June 2 Report cards due to Jas
May 31 9:00-11:00 am Field day- Lunch will not be provided by PC
June 2 Last day for MAP testing
June 5 AR Party
June 6 Staff meeting/social 3:15 at Mangels
June 7 Fire Drill 9:05;
June 8 8th Grade Promotion 10:00 am
June 9 Report cards go home
June 13 and 16 Genentech work days at SV from 9:00-2:00

Friday, May 19, 2017

May 19, 2017

May 19, 2017

May 19

It is that time of year when I am closing out a school year and planning for the next school year. This is a busy time in our household since my husband is a teacher as well. We BOTH are super BUSY!! I just keep telling him - I will see him in June :) Tonight is our school dance and our parents have done an AMAZING job transforming our MPR room into the night at the Oscars. The kids are going to have so much fun tonight. If you are around tonight you should stop by. I love this event every year!! 

Some ideas on getting feedback from your students. Have them answer the following questions:
1. My favorite activity this year and why:
2. I had the most fun when:
3. The hardest part was:
4. What I liked best about my class and teacher:
5. What I’ll miss the most and why:
6. I made the most growth in this area: 
7. Advice to students for next year: 

So before your count-down is up, take a moment to consider these ways to finish the school year with a smile.

1.    Divide, destroy and donate
The end of the year is the best time to clean for the summer. So divide your classroom into sections and choose a different section to clean every day, that way the task doesn’t feel so overwhelming. In those sections, make a choice of what needs to be destroyed (papers with names and personal information, tests, etc.) and what could potentially be donated to a student, another teacher, or another school. (Did you really use that stack of Anne of Green Gables books this year? No. You didn’t.) This also is a great time to decide if there is anything to give to a student—perhaps a book inscribed by you, or a project that was never returned. You’ll feel great leaving your classroom ready for next year.
2.    Host your own Paper Plate Awards
The end of the year is a great time to give out class awards. But rather than paying a premium for cheesy certificates you find at the big box stores, simply pick up a pack of paper plates and pass them out—one for each student in your class. Assign each student a classmate, ensuring that each student gets an award, and let them go to town with crayons and markers. The honors will be more creative and hilarious than you could have ever come up with on your own: ”Most likely to succeed,” “Best in Fractions,” “Gold Medal in lending out paper”—the possibilities are endless. And it’s a great time to reminisce about the year gone by.
3.    Get outside and make it count
Students of all ages love to team up against the teachers. So whether you organize a student vs. teachers kickball, frisbee, or basketball game—make it count. Let one student and one teacher MC the event, and make sure the teachers dress up to add a little fun to the game (matching sweatbands seem to do the trick). It’s sure to be an event everyone will remember.
4.    Send home a thank you note to parents
Teachers have a tough job, that’s for sure. But parents have a lot on their shoulders too. And while teachers deserve lots of thank-yous all year round, this is a great time of year to return the favor to the parents who’ve helped your students with homework all year long. Hand-written notes go a long way to smooth over any rough edges created during the year. But if you have more than 20 students, don’t be afraid to write one letter to families, thanking them for their support.
5.    Deliver simple gifts to your teammates
As any teacher knows, this job would be much more difficult without the teammates on your hall. Whether it’s the teacher who always took that trouble kid under his wing, or the one who never fails to bring baked goods to the team meeting—the end of the year is a great time to thank your colleagues for making the job that much better. Some ideas? Flowers, a potted plant, or even a bag of their favorite coffee or tea can go a long way.

Thank you staff members for taking a chance and

 letting the kids know that you are willing 

to take risks too! They LOVED it!!!! 

I would like to take some time to introduce a new teacher to our site!! Mindi McCuen will be teaching 7th grade. Here is a little about her: 

So excited to be a Dragon!!!!!!!
 My pollination and seeding was right here in Fairfield. I am a local native (yep, born and raised) and attended FSUSD schools K-12. Germinated at Falls El (actually, I was supposed to go to SV), Green Valley MS and Armijo!  I have grown roots and stems in Grades 3-8th around our district, as well as sprouted into a Consulting Teacher and Academic Support teacher. I love “digging deep” to learn and grow.
 My sun and water is cooking, entertaining, surrounding myself with positive people and exploring new things! Locally grown, I am involved as a hiking, mountain biking, equestrian docent and educational “liaison” with the Solano Land Trust. I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie, definitely an outdoor enthusiast, feel free to ask me about some of my crazy adventures!  I love to travel, usually do that off the beaten path, mostly with just a backpack, a guidebook and no set plans. My motto? As long as there isn’t any permanent damage…..
I can’t wait to begin my next adventure and blossom with the Suisun Valley K-8 community and middle school team. YeeHaw! This beautiful place and its mission and focus are near and dear to my heart!

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Christina, Sarah, Lindsay and Patty for a wonderful Parent Tea. You did a great job of creating a beautiful event for our parents!! Thank you FERN for being a ROCK STAR and getting all make ups done today!!! AMAZING!! Kristin thank you for tie dying shirts for the dancers :) You went above and beyond!!
Play: Thank you to all the staff members who took a chance and participated in the staff dance. The kids LOVE it!!
Choose your attitude: 
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day:  Thank you teachers who were able to make it to the evening performance. I know it made for a very long day but the kids really love to see you :)

Upcoming dates:
May 22 MAP testing begins
May 23 Talent Show at 9:00; SSC mtg. 3:05
May 24 Fire drill 1:30; PC Mtg 12:00
May 25 Walk-a-thon
May 26 and May 29  No School
May 30 Report cards due to Jas
May 31 9:00-11:00am Field day- Lunch will not be provided by PC
June 2 Last day for MAP testing
June 6 Staff meeting/social- location TBD
June 7 Fire Drill 9:05; AR Party
June 8 8th Grade Promotion 10:00 am
June 9 Report cards go home
June 13 and 16 Genentech work days at SV from 9:00-2:00

Friday, May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017

Student Behavior/Adult Responsibilities
As we enter our last weeks of school (who is counting?), it is absolutely critical that we consistently reinforce our expectations, routines/procedures. We are seeing spikes in incidents of student behavior. As the adults on campus, it is imperative that we are supervising all students at all times as we escort students to/from class and reinforce our expectations about lining up, etc. Please make sure that adults are at their assigned duty areas, not congregating. We are required as professionals to monitor and supervise our students' safety on the playground and we gather in groups as adults when we are supposed to be supervising, we are putting the school and the employee in potential liability. Additionally, it is also the adults responsibility to monitor students if you send them outside to work.

What I Wish I Had Known Before . . ..
I wish I had know that my student’s behavior was a language- that their actions and words were telling me something what they were feeling or thinking. I wish I’d remembered that they did not get up in the morning plotting to do things to frustrate me.
I wish I’d known that meltdowns and explosions usually meant my students were tired, or hungry, or bored or frustrated themselves. I wish I’d known that they needed an adult to help them find the words to express what was troubling them. But they sure didn’t need a frustrated adult.
I wish I’d known more about child development, brain development and behavior. I wish I’d known that growing up is a slow process. I wish I’d known how each development stage has its own way of seeing the world. I wish I’d known that most times they saw things differently from me.
I wish I’d listened more to what was true about their hearts and spirits and personalities.

Great idea for homework:

Have you heard of  It is a free resource that makes creating and distributing back-to-school supply lists easier for schools, teachers and parents.
it is also interactive in the sense that it can be updated from any computer at any time, which is very helpful as our needs change during the year.  Also a link can be embedded in our school website to help parents find the lists.  Thanks Carole for sharing!

If you are interested, a list can be found at:


Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Fern for making sure SBAC make ups are being done in a timely manner!! Thank you Kristin for dying our t-shirts. Thank you Sunshine committee for getting gifts made for parent tea. Thank you Heather M. for supporting a student every day before and after school to help him with his report even though your contract is up.
Play: Thank you to all staff members that are taking a HUGE risk and practicing dance moves so we can perform a staff dance. The KIDS love seeing us take a risk!!
Choose your attitude: The school year is NOT over - continue to be positive!!
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!

Make Their Day:  Thank you for everything you DO to make sure our students are successful every day!! You are amazing!!

Friday, May 5, 2017

May 5, 2017

May 5

Happy Day of the Teacher!
Dragon Teachers
When I began your class I think I knew
The kind of challenges you'd make me face.
You gave me motivation to pursue
The best, and to reject the commonplace.
Your thinking really opened up my mind.
With wisdom, style and grace, you made me see,
That what I'd choose to seek, I'd surely find;
You shook me out of my complacency.
I thank you now for everything you've done;
What you have taught me I will not outgrow.
Your kind attention touched my mind and heart;
In many ways that you will never know.
I will remember you my whole life through;
I wish that all my teachers were like you.
By Joanna Fuchs
Thank you for being the best all year long!!!

We have been celebrating Staff Appreciation ALL Week this week! Please watch this video...LOVE IT!! If you’re a teacher, you know that these last days of the school year can be some of the most hectic days of all: report cards are due, cumulative folders need sorting, and kids are stir-crazy, watching the windows with envy. So before your count-down is up, take a moment to smile about the growth your students have made this year.


I brought this up in the past two blogs. I know we are STRUGGLING with getting away from worksheets on our campus (HINT HINT) please check out these EASY ideas HERE for turning a worksheet into a collaborative, critical thinking activity including "Cut Apart", "Everybody Knows", "Lines of Communication", "My Mistake", and "Pair Rotation". It's a very SIMPLE way to get AWAY from the boring, simple worksheets!

GET YOUR STUDENTS EXCITED ABOUT CAINE'S ARCADE- SO COOL!! ALL students can participate. A student makes their own game and brings it in on field day. On field day it becomes part of our Caine's Arcade station. What a great way to show off some creative skills and students at their own school get to play them!! Check out this website for ideas:

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Kristin for creating an amazing video for our classified staff! Thank you Janice for the idea to celebrate our classified staff at our Dragon assembly.
Play: Thank you to all staff members that are going to be taking a HUGE risk and practicing dance moves this week so we can perform a staff dance. The KIDS love seeing us take a risk!!
Choose your attitude: 
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day:  Thank you for everything you DO to make sure our students are successful every day!! You are amazing!!