March 23, 2018
As we head into Spring Break, please take time to reflect, relax and rejuvinate as we are about to head into the busiest time of year with testing, activities, 8th grade promotion, stress, events, and more.

The last several years we have really focused on writing. We have implemented district wide prompts and have really gained valuable feedback that have led to crucial conversations on how we can support our students and each other. The video below is very well done and touches upon the feedback that Mrs. Merodio has given us on writing. She does a great job working with our 1st-8th graders and across all grade levels she is noticing a pattern. They need help with organizing their thoughts. This video gives a great example on a very visual process for students to organize their writing. Please watch this video!! Check out this video .
Writing aligned to the Common Core and the needs ofEnglish Learners
As we continue to focus on the needs of our English learners, it is important to continue to examine how instruction is differentiated. This article from Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull Sypnieski provides an overarching view of writing. The article discusses the three types of writing in the Common Core: Argument/Opinion, Information/Explanation, and Narrative. The author's highlight the integration of reading with writing, especially for Argument and Information writing.
The article provides some specific implications for English learners and writing.
- Create meaningful opportunities to communicate ideas rather than focus on grammar and conventions
- Provide support for citations
- Provide modeling and guidance
- Provide many sentence starters and graphic organizers
- Use collaborative writing projects
- Support students in self-assessment and goal setting
A Letter From SCOE: Dear Colleagues,
Following the recent school shooting in Florida, staff from Solano County Behavioral Health (SCBH) reached out to the Solano County Office of Education (SCOE) to collaborate on an informational notice about how to identify risk factors of mental health conditions, suicide ideation, and the potential for violence, as well as continuing to combat mental health stigma.
As we have seen in media reports, our youth are asking adults to take action and help them feel safer in their school settings. One way we can respond is to provide empowerment by disseminating information to our community about how to support individuals who are suffering from mental health conditions and are a risk to themselves or others. Additionally, the attached notice is timely because season 2 of a popular Netflix television series 13 Reasons Why focuses on a school shooting situation and is due to be released on March 30th. If you are unfamiliar with this TV series, the first season concentrated on the suicide of the main character and contained other mature content such as graphic depictions of a sexual assault and the act of suicide. Both seasons were filmed in Vallejo, therefore the youth in our community may be drawn to the show given the local connection.
Thank you for your assistance with this important matter.
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Mr. Pringle for organizing our college guests to speak to every classroom!! Thank you Mr. Kimble for always going the extra mile and helping out whenever you can. THANK YOU to the entire staff for making our rainy day pick ups in the multi successful!!
Play: Dress up days this week were a lot of fun!!
Choose your attitude:
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day: Fill out a good news referral and make a student’s day. Make a positive phone call home.