Thursday, November 21, 2019

November 22, 2019

We just took family pictures at Glashoff farms and the kids are growing up so fast! Maya definitely looks like she is ready for high school next year. She just looks more mature. Dylan still looks the same. I look forward to seeing Dylan’s picture where you just notice a difference. Sigh . . . not babies anymore. 

I am thankful for a wonderful school community, loving family, friends, and that we are all healthy. This holiday season we are thinking of others  and sending as much financial support that we can to help families. During my birthday I know many of you know I like to do acts of kindness. This year there will be 48.

These are really great  DOK resources for ALL SUBJECT AREAS for your use!  Great info to share after looking at our October data. 

Take a look at these for Academic Conversations, including one specifically for math:

Here are some great reminders about objectives:
                             Objectives Presentation

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Put your phones away and be in the moment with your families. 

Play: Enjoy your time with family and friends. 

Choose your attitude: Be thankful. 

Make Their Day:  Great job making a student's day EVERYDAY!! 

Friday, November 15, 2019

November 15, 2019

(I got this from Kristen Cherry's newsletter- thank you Kristen) Stressed and burnout seem to be a common word we hear, especially in November!  Are you feeling irritable?  Not wanting to attend social gatherings, even the easy ones that involve food?  Increase in complaints? Fatigue or insomnia?  You aren't alone.  I think we are all feeling these warning signs in one way or another.

So, how do we reverse this and charge ahead, focusing on the positive/great/wonderful things that are happening in our lives- both at home and at SV?  It's time to TAKE ACTION!!  Take these easy ideas, (even something as easy as loading the "momentum" app to your computer) including remembering to smile, shift your focus to your home, laugh uncontrollably, try teaching something new, take up yoga, go for a walk during your prep, and share with your colleagues.  I know, I know, easier said than done sometimes, but very much needed so you have work/life balance. 

Please welcome Jen Green to our RSP team. If you see her please introduce yourself. 

I’m sure you’ve seen me around campus mom-ing, parent club-ing, and subbing - I’m SUPER excited to take on the role of teaching at Suisun Valley! After graduating UC Davis I received my teaching credential while long-term subbing in the district. I taught 1st grade at Crescent Elementary, then spent 4 years at Tolenas where I taught 3rd grade and looped students through 4th/5th grade combo classes. I also taught 6th grade summer school in Walnut Creek. While I’ve been out of the classroom I’ve dearly missed the students and working with educators daily. I’m passionate about our dragon community and am honored to join the team :). 

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Jamie and Heather H. for planning a successful and fun AR party!! Thank you for creating weekly AR PPT's to share with us on a weekly basis. You ROCK!!!
Play:  Thank you Daniel for being at Green Valley for our final cross country meet.
Choose your attitude: Your attitude can decide how you will feel for the rest of the day- EVERY DAY!!
Make Their Day:   Make at least one positive phone home this week. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

November 8

As an educator and a parent myself, conferences can lead to a perspective where I can understand both positions. Parents want their children to feel safe, be happy and learn at school. I know EVERY parent wants this. That is why it is SO important that we make them feel welcome and part of the team when making decisions. Parent/teacher/student conferences is a great time to build relationships with parents. A great question to ask yourself is what do I want from my child's teacher? How would I want to be included? If my child was being disruptive or struggling in class how would I like to be approached?

Have you planned to have your students lead part of the parent/teacher conference? This can easily be done by using the RIT goals students have set for themselves. Great Article Click Here

district Writing prompt should be finished, graded and inputted in illuminate

For FSUTA negotiations  update click HERE
For CSEA negotiations update click HERE

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you to those teachers who made our home volleyball and football games. It really does make a difference when they see you on the sidelines cheering for them.
Play:  Thank you Sunshine for planning our pot luck today. It was nice to have lunch with everyone.
Choose your attitude: Your attitude can decide how you will feel for the rest of the day- EVERY DAY!!
Make Their Day:   Make at least one positive phone home this week. 

Friday, November 1, 2019

November 1

After having no power for three days it is nice to just breathe.  This week was stressful but we got through it together!  Why is it important to remember to take a deep breath?  Take a look at THIS ARTICLE as, though it seems like a no brainer, it reminds us that taking a moment can help us remain calm, de-escalating a stressful situation, and focusing on what's important.

I know that phone calls can home be a LONG process AND think about an email....or a post card....or a note to send regarding something GOOD one of the students in your care has done.  Can you remember getting one of these when you were a student?  

This could be the one thing that makes a difference in one of 6th-7th-8th grade students' lives.  It could be one of the ONLY nice things that they hear all day.  It could be the one thing that gets a student to produce work for you.  Take a look at THIS ARTICLE and read all about the benefits of showcasing the GOOD in our students in a few simple minutes....

October 2019
Number 64- update
In an effort to prevent suspended students in grades 1-12 from falling behind in class
assignments or homework, Governor Newsom has signed Assembly Bill (AB) 982,
requiring all public and charter school teachers to provide homework assignments to
suspended students, upon request. Teachers have historically had the option whether
or not to require suspended students to complete any assignments and tests missed
during the term of their suspension.

AB 982 
Beginning January 1, 2020, AB 982 requires a teacher to provide, upon request,
homework to any student who has been suspended from school for two or more
schooldays. This request must be made by either the suspended student, their parent,
legal guardian, or other person holding the right to make educational decisions for
the suspended student. If the request for homework is made, the assignments then
must be turned in to the teacher by the student either upon the student's return to
school from suspension or within the timeframe originally prescribed by the teacher,
whichever is later.

The Legislature explicitly stated that the purpose of AB 982 is to provide the
suspended student with the homework that the student would otherwise have
been assigned so that the student does not unnecessarily fall behind academically.
The Legislature also explicitly stated it did not intend to require a teacher to correct
classroom assignments or homework missed while the student is suspended, or to
add an additional burden on a teacher's workload. With this in mind, AB 982 also
provides that if a teacher is unable to grade the homework assignment before the
end of the academic term, then the assignment shall not be included in the calculation
of the student's overall grade in the class. This added safeguard minimizes the
impact on teachers who otherwise would have to grade these potentially delayed
assignments, while also reducing the punitive academic impact on the suspended

Though this bill does not explicitly require it, school districts and charter schools
should consider informing a suspended student and their parent or legal guardian
of their right to request the student's homework if the suspension will last two or
more days. Similarly, school districts and charter schools should consider informing
all teachers of the new requirements under AB 982, and develop consistent and
equitable procedures around grading assignments for suspended students.

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you to EVERYONE for working together and being there for our students when we didn't have power. Kristin thank you for taking home the walkies and charging them. Thank you Tina for bringing hand warmers.
Play: Thank you for dressing up during our spirit days. Thank you Daniel for coaching our football team and for being our site AD.
Choose your attitude: Your attitude can decide how you will feel for the rest of the day- EVERY DAY!!
Make Their Day:   Make at least one positive phone home this week.