Friday, March 25, 2022

March 25, 2022


Many of our students and staff members have family in the Ukraine. This is a very stressful time for them. It is so sad. How to talk to your students about what is taking place in Ukraine and Russia CLICK HERE

Grades 3-8: Please start practicing SBAC

It's a good time to start having students explore the CAASPP Practice & Training Tests. This will help prepare them for the CAASPP summative that they will be taking place in April. Please go to and click on the green button "CAASPP Practice and Training Tests" to access the site. Then select student interface practice and training tests. Students and teachers can access as a Guest at school. Once you get logged as Guest, you'll need to select a grade. Be sure to practice performance test and practice test for your grade level. If you are in grades 5 or 8 practice the California Science Test (CAST). 

Observable Fish Moments at SV:

Be There: Be there for each other. 
Play: Thank you Jamie, Katie, and Heather our AR party was a success.  
Choose your attitude: Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. 
Make Their Day:  Thank you for working HARD every day to make a student's day!! 

Friday, March 18, 2022

March 18, 2022


A Letter to Teachers From “That Kid”

Dear Teacher,
I’m that kid. The kid who gets under your skin. The first grader who colors on your walls and spits on my table partners. The high school junior who mouths off and smirks from the back row. The child who knows exactly how to push your buttons, and does. Regularly.
I taunt. I terrorize. Sometimes I hit. I destroy. I curse. Rolling my eyes often seems like my favorite thing to do. I talk back. Maybe I’ve even made you cry a few times.


I know that doesn’t make any sense, since it’s mostly directed at you. But you know that old saying about having a bad day at work and going home and kicking the dog? Well, you’re the dog.
(I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.)
I really am a good kid deep down. There are so many things I care about. I have skills and strengths that I want to use to help other people. In fact, I secretly want for you to know all these good things about me.


I am afraid. I am in pain. You know how if you put oil and water in a container together, the oil will float to the top? It’s like my fear and pain are the oil, and all the good things about me are water. Every once in a while, you might shake me up and see just a glimpse of those good things on the surface, but no matter how hard I try, the fear and pain will bubble up and cover everything again. It’s easy to think that the way that I react to fear and pain—the anger, the defiance—is the real me. In fact, I’ve even started to believe it.
The fear and pain I feel is different than what you may think. It’s not always actual physical fear or pain (though sometimes it is). I might be afraid that I’m not worthy of love, since my dad left me and my mom after I was born. I might be afraid that I will grow up to be like my mom, who is an alcoholic and misses all my baseball games. Or I might be in pain because my family and culture say I’m not manly enough since I cry a lot and am not really into sports. I might be in pain because someone who is supposed to love and protect me said something deeply hurtful that I won’t ever forget.
Maybe you look at me and think there’s no excuse for the way I behave. You might think, “This child has a stable family, loving parents, and a secure environment. I know kids with a lot less who behave perfectly fine.”


What you might not know is that the pressure to be perfect or different than who I am is so intense and crushing that I believe I’m a failure, and I’m too scared to tell anybody that.
Or maybe my home life is fine, but I’m learning a very dangerous message—that I’m inadequate, unlovable, or not worthy of belonging—in some situation outside of home, or inside my own head. Maybe something is going on, or has happened, that nobody, not even my parents, knows about but me, and I do a really good job of faking that I’m happy or that I don’t care.
I know that I’m making things hard for you. I know you don’t deserve it. But I feel like you should know this: Somewhere, on a level I’m not even aware of, I’ve chosen you to behave this way toward because I know you’re a person who can help me.


I want the same things everybody else does, but I’m asking for it in the most confusing and unflattering of ways.
I don’t know how to fix all of this (or I would have already). And I don’t think it’s necessarily your responsibility to fix me. But here’s how you can help me.
Start small. I’m fragile, and I’ve been hurt. Because I’ve got so much junk at the surface, maybe don’t try to remove it all at once or ask me to open up right away about my fear and pain.


Ask me questions.
Don’t give in when I try to rile you up.
Maybe, slowly, I will learn to trust you. Or maybe I will take a long time, and you won’t see any progress in our time together, but your patience and kindness toward me will plant a seed that will sprout many years later.
But please, please, please don’t give up on me.
That Kid

Grades 3-8: Please start practicing SBAC
Good Morning Teachers,
It's a good time to start having students explore the CAASPP Practice & Training Tests. This will help prepare them for the CAASPP summative that they will be taking place in April. Please go to and click on the green button "CAASPP Practice and Training Tests" to access the site. Then select student interface practice and training tests. Students and teachers can access as a Guest at school. Once you get logged as Guest, you'll need to select a grade. Be sure to practice performance test and practice test for your grade level. If you are in grades 5 or 8 practice the California Science Test (CAST). 

Observable Fish Moments at SV:

Be There: Be there and be prepared for your conferences you are having with families. Remember to always start with the positive. 
Play: Thank you Jamie, Katie, and Heather for planning our AR party.  
Choose your attitude: Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. 
Make Their Day:  Thank you for working HARD every day to make a student's day!! 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

March 11, 2022


A great reminder being a PBIS school. Our students are forgetting the Suisun Valley way and how to be a DRAGON. We should be teaching/reviewing expectations at least 10 times a year. We need to be make sure that we are doing this with INTEGRITY: teach character ed. lessons 10 minutes every day, community circles either weekly/biweekly, always tie back misbehavior to our school rules (Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, hand out TONS of positive!!! What I KNOW is if we ALL do this as a team, we will SEE a behavior shift- that is the GOOD news J

TIPS Problem Solving Elements:

The Problem Solving Process to do with your class:
·       Do we have a problem?
·       What is the precise nature of the problem?
·       Why does the problem exist, and what can we do about it? (Hypothesis and Solution)
·       What are the actual elements of our plan? (Action Plan)
·       Is our plan being implemented and is it working? (Evaluate and Revise Plan) Check in after lunch recess every day until it becomes a habit. IF WE ALL DO THIS IT WILL CHANGE BEHAVIOR
What is the goal? (What do we want to see?)

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you 6th-8th grade teachers reminding students about the expectations at 8 minute PE in the morning.
Play: Have a great weekend!
Choose your attitude: 
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day:  Have lunch with a student!!

Friday, March 4, 2022

I share this every year, BUT it is a great reminder for our students. A teacher, Marcey Raymond Kusper, had her students discuss school protests to honor the 17 victims of the Florida shooting. One of her students said, "I think it's stupid. How about you make friends with 17 kids you normally wouldn't instead of walking out of school." She said a great conversation took place in her classroom. Students said smile at 17 people you normally wouldn't smile at, say a kind word to 17 people who might not have someone to speak to, open up your heart to 17 people who might be hurting, offer friendship to 17 people who might have had none. Now that could change the climate of the school. 17 reasons for change . . . 17 reasons to make a difference. What is your 17? I like that slogan. Our students at SV are reporting that students are being mean to them during recesses and then saying it was just a JOKE. How can we teach our students to be kind to each other? BTW this is happening at all grade levels at Suisun Valley :(

At SV we hold community circles weekly or daily depending on the need of our classes, we teach character education lessons daily, we hold RJ circles, we have implemented PBIS. Please reflect on these practices if your class is having a difficult time during unstructured time. What processes can you refine to better support your students. REMEMBER behavior does have to be taught and modeled. 

Following Monday's press conference and press release from the State, the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District received additional information related to masking which may be of interest to our families:

Effective March 14, 2022, masking will be optional for both vaccinated and unvaccinated students, staff, volunteers, and parents at school sites. Masking will be strongly encouraged. School sites will continue to have masks available for distribution upon request.

Effective March 1, 2022, pursuant to Solano Public Health, masking is optional for both vaccinated and unvaccinated spectators in attendance at athletic events. Masking is strongly recommended.

Effective March 1, 2022, masking is optional for both vaccinated and unvaccinated students and staff at Central Office Locations. Masking is strongly recommended.

Please note, while the masking guidance has been updated, volunteers on campus who are not fully vaccinated for COVID-19 (or who decline to state their COVID-19 vaccination status) must continue to meet the COVID-19 weekly testing requirement. 

Observable Fish Moments at SV:

Be There: Thank you for showing up every day. I appreciate how hard you work!
Play: Take some time to just relax and enjoy!
Choose your attitude: 
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!

Make Their Day:  Thank you for being creative when recognizing our student for Dragon awards today!