Friday, April 29, 2022

April 29, 2022

Dragon Teachers
When I began your class I think I knew
The kind of challenges you'd make me face.
You gave me motivation to pursue
The best, and to reject the commonplace.
Your thinking really opened up my mind.
With wisdom, style and grace, you made me see,
That what I'd choose to seek, I'd surely find;
You shook me out of my complacency.
I thank you now for everything you've done;
What you have taught me I will not outgrow.
Your kind attention touched my mind and heart;
In many ways that you will never know.
I will remember you my whole life through;
I wish that all my teachers were like you.
By Joanna Fuchs

Thank you for being the best all year long!!!

Upcoming dates:

May 2- May 6 - Staff appreciation all week long!! Staff luncheon on Wednesday BBQ chicken/ribs catered by Mankas 
May 3- Staff mtg. 
May 6- Fire drill 
May 9- May 27 - MAP testing
May 10- SSC mtg. 
May 11- Dairy cow visit 9-11
May 17- Grade level mtg. 
May 19- ELAC mtg. 
May 24- UC Davis math coaching
May 25- PC mtg. 
May 26- AR deadline
May 30  No School 
May 31- June 8 (no dancing on 6/3)  Royal King dance starts; 7:45 am teacher dance practice by the mural of the Dragon 
June 3- AR party; Report cards due to Jas 
June 6- Fire drill
June 7- Staff meeting/social 3:15 at Caymus in Suisun Valley
June 8 Dance performance K-7th 5:00pm
June 9- In person promotion for 8th graders 10:00am in MPR 
June 10- Last day of school; minimum day Field day 
June 17- Genentech Give Back day

Aug 6 - PD- buy back day - NEU 
Aug 15 - Welcome back staff meeting 

Aug 17 - First day of school 

Friday, April 22, 2022

2022 California Green Ribbon School Award and 2022 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School 

Suisun Valley School, Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, Solano County

Suisun Valley School (SVS) enriches its educational program with agriculture and science on its two-acre farm. A full-time agriculture and science teacher designs and coordinates lessons and project-based learning activities to engage students in caring for all aspects of the school’s garden. SVS combines food, nutrition, and physical health education in a partnership between the agriculture and science teacher and the physical education team. Teachers link what students are growing and eating in the garden to health education focused on nutrition and movement. Students participate in the entire farm-to-fork cycle, directly linking healthy soil, healthy produce, healthy food choices, healthy humans, and a healthy planet.

All campus landscape is xeriscape, and site irrigation uses targeted drip systems, allowing for specific areas to be watered while maximizing water conservation and absorption. Sixth-grade students designed and currently maintain two 2,500-gallon cistern rain harvester systems that function with solar and wind energy. In 2019, SVS built an 8,000-square-foot library, office, staff workspace, and Innovation Lab complex using state-of-the-art materials and systems with an emphasis on plumbing, insulation, natural lighting, natural colors, and views that allow the building’s occupants to connect with the surrounding landscape. In 2021, the complex received the Outstanding Project award from Learning by Design Awards of Excellence.


*TESTING STARTS MONDAY!!!  PLEASE continue to encourage your students to DO THEIR BEST!  Remember to give mint 20 to 30 minutes into testing.

Please remember a few important links and reminders:

Test Administrator Resources for Summative Assessments

Please remember: 
*Students DO NOT log into Chrome Books!  They go to the bottom left corner to "APPS" and select AIRSecureTest.
*Technical issues during testing: Let Jas and Kristin know first, then Call 399-5100

*Please be mindful during recesses during testing. The basketball courts will be closed for the next two weeks until 12:25. Students will not be able to hang out on the blacktop near rooms 21, 22, 23.

Friday, April 1, 2022

April 1, 2022


Dylan just finished basketball season and now is onto soccer. This is his last year at junior high and off to high school next year with Maya and Chris. He was only 3 years old when I started here at Suisun Valley. 

A Teacher’s Success Story in FSUSD 

I have a student who never turns  in any work (almost literally), is often late to class and is generally just insubordinate.  Some might look at him as a BIG problem on campus--I think I did.  This student wouldn't even shake my hand.  

I was often at my wits end on how to reach this kid.  I can honestly say that I was ready to give up and just let him fail.  I witnessed another adult on campus treat a similar student with compassion and figured I owed it to him to give it another try.  

I can't pinpoint what it was exactly that I did--other than change my attitude towards him. I didn't confront him, nor did I lambast him (which he probably deserved)--I made a point to be positive and calm--it was tough.  I didn't continue to point out all of the things he was doing that were incorrect/out of line.  He must've seen it or been in a place where he could see it and understood.  What happened next surprised me--Recently on a Monday morning he showed up on time and shook my hand.  That day he turned in an assignment! Since then he has turned in a number of assignments and they were even well thought out and complete.  He had not turned anything in for months.  He didn't become an angel, nor has he turned in every assignment--but he has turned in most and he is now participating.  He is respectful and is not causing as many disruptions and I am very thankful that I was open to learning that even the seemingly unreachable can be reached.  I am left with the understanding that I made a difference and that this student has made a difference in me too.  He has helped me remember that some students need me to not quit on them.  It seemed like I gave him 100 chances--when he needed 101. 

I am reminded that these kids can change and will change if we give them the chance.

Grades 3-8: Please start practicing SBAC

It's a good time to start having students explore the CAASPP Practice & Training Tests. This will help prepare them for the CAASPP summative that they will be taking place in April. Please go to and click on the green button "CAASPP Practice and Training Tests" to access the site. Then select student interface practice and training tests. Students and teachers can access as a Guest at school. Once you get logged as Guest, you'll need to select a grade. Be sure to practice performance test and practice test for your grade level. If you are in grades 5 or 8 practice the California Science Test (CAST). 

Observable Fish Moments at SV:

Be There: Thank you Mr. Kimble for stepping up and coaching for our boy's soccer team when we didn't have anyone else. I know you do a lot for our school and we appreciate you! 
Play: What is one fun thing you have planned for your class to do outside?  
Choose your attitude: Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. 
Make Their Day:  Thank you for working HARD every day to make a student's day!!