Character Trait for October is Caring
Garden Fall Clean Up and Chili Cook Off will be Oct. 8th- free homework pass and extra recess for those students who participate in garden clean up.
AG resource:
Take a look at our Lesson Plan Matrix to see the different ways that you can incorporate agricultural lessons and themes into your day! Most of our resources are aligned to Common Core and California State Content Standards for easy inclusion in any classroom.
No Excuses University – Assessment Plan
Culture of Universal Achievement
Standards Alignment
Assessment Plan
Data Analysis
“We spend time at our Institute distinguishing between formative and summative assessments and how grade level teams can take responsibility for gathering or creating formative assessments that make sense for them. We emphasize the importance of this work as a support to teachers, because this allows teachers to track those students who are not making adequate academic progress towards proficiency, and then identify specific content areas that require intervention.”
There are some key topics to consider when implementing an assessment plan:
#1: Assessment is NOT about the teacher, it’s about the student
#2: Balance between of and for learning assessments
#3: Scheduling, benchmarks, and continuous improvement are crucial
Assessment is NOT about the teacher, it’s about the student: One of my favorite quotes from the summer institute was that data did not belong to the teachers. It was on loan from the students. In order to help students achieve proficiency, we must support the teacher in analyzing the data and making the necessary adjustments.
Balance between of and for learning assessments: There needs to be a balance between formative and summative assessments. Think about the teachers on your campus. What percentage of the instructional time is dedicated to formative assessment? What percentage of the instructional time is dedicated to summative assessment? In a NEU school, both assessments are equally important.
Scheduling, benchmarks, and continuous improvement are crucial: When you get your data…what do you do about it? Is it used as a learning opportunity to better understand what your students know and don’t know? Everything we do should be about providing opportunities for continuous improvement. Do we have systems in place that allow for such a process?
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Amy, Jamie and Anthony for being team players to meet the needs of our 4th and 5th grade students.
Play: We definitely had fun at our AG conference. You should ask Brandon, Patty, Melissa, or Alee about their bus rides. HILARIOUS!!
Choose your attitude: Your attitude can decide how you will feel for the rest of the day!
Make Their Day: THANK you Heather and Sarah for making my day!
Board Policy of the Week:
The Governing Board expects district employees to maintain the highest ethical standards, exhibit professional behavior, follow district policies and regulations, abide by state and federal laws, and exercise good judgment when interacting with students and other members of the school community. BP 4119.21 - Code of Ethics - outlines these expectations.
BP 4212.3 and 4312.3 reflects the Government Code requirement that public employees are disaster service workers.
Pursuant to Education Code 44691, the California Department of Education (CDE) is required to disseminate information to all school districts regarding the detection and reporting of child abuse and to provide guidance on the responsibilities of mandated reporters. The Governing Board is committed to supporting the safety and well-being of district students and desires to facilitate the prevention of and response to child abuse and neglect. Education Code 234.1 mandates that districts adopt policy prohibiting, at school or in any school activity related to school attendance or under the authority of the district, discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying, based on the foregoing characteristics. The Administrative Regulation identify the employee(s) designated to coordinate the district's efforts to comply with state and federal civil rights laws (e.g. Title IX and Section 504 coordinators), including the investigation and resolution of discrimination complaints under AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. |