Friday, September 16, 2016

September 16

September 16

This weekend will be the first time that I am going to stay away from my phone and email in 6 years. I am actually going to LEAVE my phone and laptop at home!! We will be on our way after our staff social on today and head toTahoe. This reminds me of when I was pregnant with Maya and I was 11 days over my due date!! My husband and I went to the hospital and did not call anyone that we were on the way to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital all of the rooms were full. While waiting in the hallway for a room to open up my water breaks. We waited around 30 minutes.  As we got in the room, I change and just as I got settled in bed the phone rings in the room. My husband looks at the phone and says he isn't going to answer it because it is probably for the person who was in the room before us. I told him I think it is one of my sisters. He said no way! They don't even know that we are here. I told him, I bet you it is. Now that he was curious, he answered the phone AND it was one of my sisters! It was hysterical!! I couldn't believe she tracked us down so fast and got a direct line into the room. We literally just got into the room!! So note to self- tell sisters I will be in Tahoe without my phone.  

No Excuses University – Collaboration
Culture of Universal Achievement
Standards Alignment
Assessment Plan
Data Analysis
“This is the first and most important system that needs to be developed. Once a clearly understood and agreed-to system for collaboration is in place, a staff is equipped to develop the remaining essential systems and address any other learning challenges they encounter.”

When a school embraces a system of collaboration, there are four attributes that need to be included. As identified at the TurnAround Schools Institute, the attributes are:
#1: Based on action oriented commitments
#2: Scheduled well in advance
#3: Driven by professional attitudes
#4: Focused on results
Now…before you move on, re-read the four statements and think about if they represent the collaboration that takes place on our campus.
Based on action oriented commitments: When our teams come together to collaborate, do you leave with “we talked about…” statements or are there actions that are going to be immediately implemented to impact student learning?
Scheduled well in advance: Do we plan for collaboration or does it just happen? True collaboration includes bringing in data (not perceptions or hearsay) and making decisions based on the collected information. Such a process has to be planned so that the proper data can be collected and is the foundation for good decisions.
Driven by professional attitudes: When our team discusses issues, is it done in a professional way? Do you praise one another during times of success and be honest with one another as you respectfully confront concerns. Does our site benefit from strong professional relationships?
Focused on results: Is our collaborative time focused on student results? Do we come to the table and offer solutions? Are decisions based on student needs?

If you don’t collaborate around your students’ academic achievement data, then how do you know if you have alignment?

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: PLEASE become a member of Parent Club by paying membership dues. Our parents do a lot on our campus and by joining it lets them know that we appreciate everything they do for us.
Play: Many of you have taken the challenge and have created formatives in Illuminate and administering unit assessments online. NICE JOB!!
Choose your attitude: Thank you for keeping a positive attitude and persevering through some of  Illuminates glitches! 
Make Their Day:   THANK you so much for sending a student for lunch with the Principal! I had 100% attendance K-8. The kids loved it!!

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