Friday, October 7, 2016

October 7, 2016

October 7

Below is our sweeps data for the fall. I have included our data from last year as well and a comparison to the district's data. LOTS of positives in students responding to the ideas of others, DOK 2+, learning objectives, all students participate in the academic learning at the same time, and DOK 3. We dropped in academic conversations and student engagement overtly multiple times through multiple methods- this area was our largest drop from 71% to 29%. I am SO PROUD of the areas that we have made growth in. At SV we have a growth mindset and we know that we are continuously improving and growing as professionals. 

No Excuses University – Data Analysis

Culture of Universal Achievement
Standards Alignment
Assessment Plan
Data Analysis
“It is one thing to have a sophisticated system of regular, formative assessments, but if that assessment data is not collected, disaggregated and reported in a timely and user-friendly manner, it becomes almost unusable.  We believe data must be easily accessible, openly shared, and deliberately arranged.”
There are three main components to data management:
#1:  Easily accessible
     #2:  Openly shared
#3:  Deliberately arranged
Easily accessible:  We are so fortunate to have two data systems that provide us with on-the-spot data

about our students, our schools, and our district.  If you have not become proficient on SchoolCity and Results NOW, you are missing out on valuable tools that will help guide your conversations and actions.  The best part of SchoolCity and Results NOW is that both systems are accessible to our staff.
Openly shared:  During our collaborative time with grade levels, we have shared multiple data sets that include district and site-level academic achievement.  We should currently be working with our school’s formative (or Common Core) data and providing intervention now.  Next week, our data set will be benchmarks.
Deliberately arranged:  Over the last few weeks, we have been hearing lots of thoughts about student achievement – reasons for increases or decreases.  One of our commitments is to be specific when we talk about student achievement.  Student achievement data is readily available and we need to use it to describe academic progress.  Furthermore, as you look to each data set, make certain you drill down to the student level.  Don’t just look at the data from the 30,000 foot view.  Remember…data doesn’t always answer questions.  More often than not, it raises questions. AND DATA BELONGS TO THE STUDENT!


The Governing Board recognizes the harmful effects of bullying on student learning and school attendance and desires to provide safe school environments that protect students from physical and emotional harm. District employees shall establish student safety as a high priority and shall not tolerate bullying of any student.

Board Policy 5131.2 - Bullying, and Board Policy 5145.9 - Hate Motivated Behavior, outline the process that teachers and administrators must follow related to preventing, and/or addressing such behavior.

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Kris Corey Exciting news—Assemblymember Jim Frazier helped connect us to some grant dollars for the Suisun Valley outdoor kitchen!  We hope to have this project completed by spring.  Our team is working on a Career Technical Education pathway for grades 9-12, to compliment the agri-science program.  Our ultimate goal is to have career pathways that will enhance and articulate the learning at our elementary and middle schools.

Play: We just held our very first football game on Thursday!! It was AWESOME!!

Choose your attitude: Thank you for KEEPING a flexible attitude while we had to make several revisions on our release schedule.

Make Their Day:   THANK you Anthony for cleaning up Fern's room. It made her day!!!

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