Friday, February 17, 2017

February 17, 2017

February 17

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Grades 3-8: Please start practicing SBAC
Good Morning Teachers,
It's a good time to start having students explore the CAASPP Practice & Training Tests. This will help prepare them for the CAASPP summative that they will be taking in just over 8 weeks. CDE has just released the California Science Test (CAST) Training Test as well. Please go to and click on the green button "SBAC Practice & Training Tests" to access the site. Students and teachers can access as a Guest at school or home. Once you get logged as Guest, you'll need to select a grade. Be sure to select Grades 5, 8, or 10 if you want to take the California Science Test (CAST). 

If you need help with any of the steps, contact the Help Desk at 399-5100. 

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Have your students pick up a packet from the front office if they are interested in competing in our college essay contest. K-8 will be asked to write an essay explaining why they want to go to college. The winners of the contest will have their essays published on the school website and read their essay at the College Week Assembly. A drawing will be held for a Kindle Reader one for K-2, 3-5 and 6-8. Each grade level winner (there will be one for each grade) will receive a $10.00 gift card to Barnes and Noble. Let’s get excited about college!!

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Read Across America: March 2: Be ready for a fun event on March 2!! I am so excited. We have people from the district office and community coming to read to every classroom. Please have a book ready for them to read. A schedule will be emailed to you from Kristin as soon as all RSVP's have been confirmed. Students (or you) will come in their pjs or dress as their favorite character.
Here are some websites for Read Across America:

In case you missed this from the beginning of the year:

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GOOD DAY ALL : MY NAME IS MARISA RAMIREZ LVN, Healthcare Specialist I, I've been a Nurse since 2005& have worked in many fields of Nursing from the ER,Medical Telementary unit,Urgent Care,Residential care, and home care, throughout the years and I have also worked for McSwain Unified School District for 3 years from my home town in MERCED, CA. & have found that I enjoy overall working with the children & as well as assisting those in need of a Nurse in a school setting to make regular attendance possible. I have joined FAIRFIELD SUSUIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT April of 2016 and have had the pleasure of meeting different sites throughout the district. This school year I have received a great opportunity  to work along side with Nurse Kit& together we are assigned 3 sites in total. Nurse Kit is full of AWESOMENESS, spreading her skills& knowledge all around. Whenever Nurse Kit is not at Susuin Valley just know Nurse Marisa will be ready to assist just the same. THANK YOU FOR HAVING A POSITIVE ATTITUDE AND KINDNESS ALL AROUND! 

I will be off campus from Feb. 22-24.
The following Vice Principals will be here to cover in my absence: 
22- Amy Chavez
23- Araceli Lopez
24- Travis Nelson 

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We want your feedback:
Parent survey- include this in your weekly newsletters:
1)  Post the parent surveys on your website and encourage families to complete.  The survey data will be collected through February 28th.  Here are the links:
    2017 School Effectiveness Survey for Parents (English) -
    2017 School Effectiveness Survey for Parents (Spanish) -

Student surveys: 5th – 8th graders please have students fill this survey out in class:
Again, the survey data will be collected through February 28th.  Here are the links.  
     2017 School Effectiveness Survey for Students (5th - 8th Grade) -

Staff survey- yes we do read them so we can improve!!
School/Site Effectiveness Survey - Certificated Staff

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Be there for your students and have lunch with them.  
Play:  Rainy Days are FUN!!!
Choose your attitude: Have you said anything positive about your students today? A colleague? If you did, let them know :)
Make Their Day:   Thank you for making a students day and buying a LUV-A-GRAM!!


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