Thursday, November 2, 2017

November 3, 2017

November 3, 2017

As an educator and a parent myself, conferences can lead to a perspective where I can understand both positions. Parents want their children to feel safe, be happy and learn at school. I know EVERY parent wants this. That is why it is SO important that we make them feel welcome and part of the team when making decisions. Parent/teacher/student conferences is a great time to build relationships with parents. A great question to ask yourself is what do I want from my child's teacher? How would I want to be included? If my child was being disruptive or struggling in class how would I like to be approached?

Have you planned to have your students lead part of the parent/teacher conference? This can easily be done by using the RIT goals students have set for themselves.

Writing prompt should be finished. We will be grading it on November 14th at our grade level meeting from 3:15-4:45 in the staff room. If you have already graded (with 2 readers) your papers and entered grades in academic conference worksheet you will not need to meet in the staff room to grade papers on November 14th. A great day to grade your writing papers would be Nov. 3rd so it frees up your time on Nov. 14th from 3:15-4:45. 

Please welcome our new nurse. She will be sharing her time here at SV with kit:

Hello my name is Mariela Lopez, I was born in México, I came to the United States when I was 12 years old. I'm currently living in Fairfield CA. I started working as a CNA I was 19 years old. I am a mother of 2 twin boys. I am an LVN now and have worked with adults in the past. I am looking forward to work with students. I love kids and I believe that working for FSUSD will give me the opportunity to work with children of all ages. Eventually I would like to go back to school and become an RN. I am a kind and hardworking person and look forward to grow as a person and in my career!

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Dragons' Breath and Calendar For November 

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Kristin, Vicky, and Kit for making our front office a welcoming environment. Thank you Julie for creating an AWESOME photo book for the harvest festival. 

Play: Get out in the garden and have some fun. We got new benches and wheelbarrows. Go check them out.

Choose your attitude: Your attitude can decide how you will feel for the rest of the day- EVERY DAY!!

Make Their Day:   Make at least one positive phone home this week. 

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