The Hour of Code is "a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code" and show that anyone can learn the basics to be a maker, a creator, an innovator." Coding is the process of writing a program to make the computer do something. Everything that is done on a computer, like websites, games, applications, word processing, videos, and photos, has been coded to do its specific feature. The process of coding may seem daunting, but learning the basics can be quite easy.
Every year we participate in Hour of Code during Computer Science Week - December 4-10. This short video explains a variety of ways to get your students involved in Hour of Code.
Get started on your first coding project here! and remember to share your pictures on Twitter with #codeFSUSD!
District Writing Assessment Update
Our students in 2nd-5th grade will use the
performance task following Unit 5 from Benchmark. You will receive more
details on this but the timing will be in early March.
We would like to use a writing assessment tied to Springboard
and have an assessment committee meeting scheduled for 12/13 to discuss and
finalize at the district office. If you are a 6th-8th
grade teacher I recommend that you attend this meeting to give input. If you
are using Springboard you should be at the beginning of Unit 2 at this
time. Unit 3 is tied to Argumentative writing but do not skip to unit 3
just to get to that genre.
This is worth a second time to post: I STILL see objectives that are written but they are truly just activities.
Goals: The broad statement about what you are covering (standard). It's long term....
Objective: The expected achievement that is well-defined, specific, measurable, and comes from the goal (standard)
Activity: Efforts or "things" done to achieve the objective (take notes, outline, complete graphic organizer)
Lunch with the Principal is on Monday, Dec. 4. Please send one student to have lunch with me.
Our student of the month will be presented at the board meeting on
Dec. 7 at 6:00pm. Come show your support for Emma Hnatko :)
Staff Social will be on Friday, Dec. 15th at Mindi’s home at 5:00.
We hope to see you there :)
**READ: On Wednesday, December 13th the EL cohort team (6th-8th grade) will be on our campus. They will be using the staff room at various times of the day. From 7:50-9:50 to create the lesson, in a classroom from 9:55-10:30, and then they would debrief back in the staff room- minus time for a lunch break- until about 2:00. Thank you for being flexible so we can host!
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Make sure you take part in our hour of code next week.
Play: Mr. Kimble thanks for organizing a fun game of frisbee with the teachers. Nice job Brandon and Kristin #winning!!
Choose your attitude: Be kind.
Make Their Day: Thank you Sarah, Patty, Christina and Carole for staying late last night for Literacy Night. The parents REALLY appreciated your guidance on how to help their child with reading and writing!!! ROCK STARS!!!
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