The staff members who attend NEU are very
excited to present at our next staff meeting. The sessions we attended all
aligned with NEU. Just a friendly reminder we have access to NEU connect which
provides thousands of resources that were created by teachers. Just log in
using your FSUSD email. Watch this video to see how many different resources are just a click away. CLICK HERE
"A goal without a plan is just a wish” - Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry
As I continue to go into classrooms, we still seem to struggle (about 5 classes) with posting the learning objective versus posting an assignment. Let's define this again:
Learning Objective: Learning objectives describe the goal of the program and what the learners have to achieve.
Activity: The resources that help to achieve the objective.
Take moment to review what's posted on your whiteboard. Is it an ACTIVITY or an actual OBJECTIVE? Still confused? Take a look at THIS easy article for clarification.
GATE - A parent notification letter was mailed home this week to all Grade 1 students in
and Spanish, letting them know that their child will be GATE tested between November
- December 15th. The letter has an opt out option that should be returned to the school
and Spanish, letting them know that their child will be GATE tested between November
- December 15th. The letter has an opt out option that should be returned to the school
The deadline to request to have a Grade 2-7 child tested is November 1st and that form
can be found on the District webpage under the GATE section.
can be found on the District webpage under the GATE section.
Test Request for Grades 2-7
- Students in grades 2-7 may be referred by school personnel and/or a
- parent/guardian
- to be screened for the gifted program in November 2018. If you are
- interested in
- having your student screened for GATE services, please complete
- the FSUSD GATE test request form by Thursday, November 1, 2018.
District Writing Assessment - All assessments should be scored AND inputted into
Illuminate by
Friday, November 2nd.
Mark your calendar: *Student Of The Month Board Meeting: 8th Grader, Mia Hernandez, has been chosen to represent Suisun Valley. For those of you that may know Mia, she is a responsible, helpful and bright young lady. We hope that our Suisun Valley staff will be able to REPRESENT at the board meeting on Thursday, November 8th @ 6 PM to show Mia how proud we are of her as she shows her Dragon Pride that evening.
Illuminate by
Friday, November 2nd.
Mark your calendar: *Student Of The Month Board Meeting: 8th Grader, Mia Hernandez, has been chosen to represent Suisun Valley. For those of you that may know Mia, she is a responsible, helpful and bright young lady. We hope that our Suisun Valley staff will be able to REPRESENT at the board meeting on Thursday, November 8th @ 6 PM to show Mia how proud we are of her as she shows her Dragon Pride that evening.
Halloween day costumes: follow school dress code, no weapons, no blood, no masks, no blow up costumes. Make sure food brought in on October 31 follows food policy guidelines.
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Patty, Christina, Cecily, Sarah, and Julie for being prepared for our academic conferences.
Play: Thank you for making some really AWESOME scarecrows.
Choose your attitude: Your attitude can decide how you will feel for the rest of the day- EVERY DAY!!
Make Their Day: Make at least one positive phone home this week.