Friday, October 12, 2018

October 12, 2018

October 12, 2018

Culture of Universal Achievement
Standards Alignment
Assessment Plan
Data Analysis
“It is one thing to have a sophisticated system of regular, formative assessments, but if that assessment data is not collected, disaggregated and reported in a timely and user-friendly manner, it becomes almost unusable.  We believe data must be easily accessible, openly shared, and deliberately arranged.”
There are three main components to data management:
#1:  Easily accessible
#2:  Openly shared
#3:  Deliberately arranged
Easily accessible:  We are so fortunate to have two data systems that provide us with on-the-spot data about our students, our schools, and our district.  If you have not become proficient on MAP, you are missing out on valuable tools that will help guide your conversations and actions.  The best part of MAP and Illuminate is that both systems are accessible to our staff.
Openly shared:  During our collaborative time with grade levels, we have shared multiple data sets that include district and site-level academic achievement.  We should currently be working with our school’s formative (or MAP) data and providing intervention now.  Next few weeks, we will be looking at writing. 
Deliberately arranged:  Over the last few weeks, we have been hearing lots of thoughts about student achievement – reasons for increases or decreases.  One of our commitments is to be specific when we talk about student achievement.  Student achievement data is readily available and we need to use it to describe academic progress.  Furthermore, as you look to each data set, make certain you drill down to the student level.  Don’t just look at the data from the 30,000 foot view.  Remember…data doesn’t always answer questions.  More often than not, it raises questions. AND DATA BELONGS TO THE STUDENT!

I will be attending the NEU conference with other staff members on Oct. 18-19th. Vickie Johnson (VP from Dover) and Araceli Lopez (VP from Anna Kyle) will be on campus. Please still fill out electronic referrals. These will be sent to Kristin and she will give them to the VP in charge. This way discipline issues will be taken care of immediately and won’t have to wait until Monday when I get back. 

Classroom Observation Data for September:
Looking at the data below- what do you observe? Send me a quick email. 

Suisun Valley Virtual Book Club: Kids Deserve It: Pushing Boundaries and Challenging Conventional Thinking 

CLICK HERE to access virtual book club. 

Halloween day costumes: follow school dress code, no weapons, no blood, no masks

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Janice, Robin, Ariel, Carole, Heather M., Melissa H., Melissa S., Denise, Michelle and Mindi for being prepared during our academic conferences. 

Play:  Join us tomorrow for garden clean up/chili cook off. 

Choose your attitude: Your attitude can decide how you will feel for the rest of the day- EVERY DAY!!

Make Their Day:   THANK you for making my day for Boss's Day!! It made my day!! 

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