Friday, November 30, 2018

November 30, 2018

November 30, 2018

As I walked through classrooms this past month it was very nice to see whole group instruction taking place and then the teacher taking a group and providing intervention to those students who needed it. During our academic conferences we have targeted our students who need to make growth. This targeted instruction has to take place in ALL K-8 classes during ELA and Math. Please make sure your lesson plans reflect what you will be doing for that core group. These students are not performing at grade level and they still need to be exposed to grade level text AND be taught at the level they are currently at. What are you doing as the classroom teacher to make sure you are providing Tier 2 support at their independent level? It is the only way the student will make growth. If the teacher continues to only provide instruction at the grade level that gap will continue to get wider.

Quality Core Instruction

It is difficult to overemphasize the importance of providing students with strong, effective core instruction at any grade level. Without sufficient initial instruction, the percentage of students in need of intervention support will likely be larger than the capacity of the schools to respond adequately. It has become increasingly clear to us in our work with schools that building intervention programs without maximizing the effectiveness of core instruction results in overtaxed intervention providers and severely diluted intervention programs that have little hope of providing the intensity of instruction required to adequately support struggling students.

Core Components of RtI for Literacy Instruction

Instead of only having an intervention-focused approach to meeting students’ needs, effective programming focuses on prevention, begins with the intensification of core instruction. Core instructional planning must address both students’ academic needs as well as their social-emotional needs in order to provide true access to core instruction. High quality academic instruction will not be enough if students are so disengaged that they fail to receive the instruction due to excessive absenteeism and/or behavior problems. Thus, effective instruction will include strategies that keep students engaged, such as beginning lessons by priming background knowledge; providing students with a choice of assignments, texts, and topics; providing opportunities for peer collaboration; and supporting students in setting reasonable yet ambitious goals and providing progress-monitoring feedback to them as they strive to achieve those goals.

The Hour of Code is "a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code" and show that anyone can learn the basics to be a maker, a creator, an innovator."  Coding is the process of writing a program to make the computer do something. Everything that is done on a computer, like websites, games,  applications, word processing, videos, and photos, has been coded to do its specific feature.  The process of coding may seem daunting, but learning the basics can be quite easy.  

Every year we participate in Hour of Code during Computer Science Week - December 3-7. This short video explains a variety of ways to get your students involved in Hour of Code

Get started on your first coding project here! and remember to share your pictures on Twitter with #codeFSUSD!

Lunch with the Principal is on Monday, Dec. 3. Please send one student to have lunch with me.

Congratulations to our teacher of the year, Janice Whan. TOTY board meeting will be on February 7th at 6:00pm

Staff Social will be on Friday, Dec. 14th at Mindi’s home at 5:00. We hope to see you there :)

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Make sure you take part in our hour of code next week. Thank you Mr. Passama for being flexible and taking your classroom to the staff room as they repair your room. Thank you Mr. Pringle for planning a college tour of CAL for our 8th graders. Thank you sunshine committee for planning monthly socials and secret santa. Thank you Mrs. Gabbart for writing report cards and holding conferences for your students while Mr. Madonna is out. 
Play: Mr. Kimble thanks for organizing a fun game of frisbee with the teachers this morning. Nice job Jennifer and Kami!!  #winning!! 
Choose your attitude: Be kind. 
Make Their Day:  Thank you Sarah, Patty, Christina and Ariel for staying late last night for Literacy Night. The parents REALLY appreciated your guidance on how to help their child with reading and writing!!! ROCK STARS!!!

Friday, November 23, 2018

November 16, 2018

November 16, 2018

I am thankful for a wonderful school community, loving family, friends, and that we are all healthy. This holiday season we are thinking of others  and sending as much financial support that we can to help families. During my birthday I know many of you know I like to do acts of kindness. This year there will be 47. I started early and I know it will not replace what people have lost, I do hope it helps. 

These are really great  DOK resources for ALL SUBJECT AREAS for your use!  Great info to share after looking at our October data. 

Take a look at these for Academic Conversations, including one specifically for math:

Here are some great reminders about objectives:

Objectives Presentation

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Heather H., Jamie, and Katie for planning a fun AR celebration for our students. 

Play: Enjoy your time with family and friends. 

Choose your attitude: Be thankful. 

Make Their Day:  Great job making a student's day EVERYDAY!! 

Friday, November 9, 2018

November 9, 2018

November 9, 2018

Below is MAP data comparison from 2016 to 2018. We have a lot of areas to celebrate!

Classroom walk through data for October:
WOOHOO! 100% objectives posted and PBIS!!!! Let's keep it at 100% all year long! We also improved from 50% to 57.9% in making sure ELD is embedded in lessons. 0 academic discourse last month was at 38.9% and now is down to 21.1%. Let's try to get that down to at least 5% I know that we can do it!! The majority of our academic discourse was at level 2 and 3. Well done!

Want to be part of the FSUSD twitter chat dialogue. Here is the FSUSD chat schedule: CLICK HERE

Some of your 7th grade students are competing in our Vex Robotics tournament on November 17 at the Armijo gym. We would love to invite you, parents, and teachers to come by and cheer on all of the amazing students involved in this event. If you need more information, please let me know. 8:30-5:00

#BEKIND NEU campaign for this year:
Each class will be collecting Holiday Care packages for the troops.  This donation drive will run through the 26th.  The canned food drive will begin after the November break on the 26th.  Below is the list of items. If each class can have one box that contains most of these items it will make a difference. 

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Fern, Monica, and Garrett for presenting about the SST process. Thank you NEU Vegas team for presenting at our staff meeting what you learned at NEU. 

Play:  Thank you Katie, Jamie and Heather H. for planning a very fun AR party for students to celebrate meeting their goals!! 

Choose your attitude: Your attitude can decide how you will feel for the rest of the day- EVERY DAY!!

Make Their Day:   THANK you for making Mia's day last night- Heather M., Fern, Sarah, Ariel, Kristin, Vicky, Michelle, Melissa S., Mindi, Denise, and Daniel. Way to support a SV student! 

Friday, November 2, 2018

November 2, 2018

As an educator and a parent myself, conferences can lead to a perspective where I can understand both positions. Parents want their children to feel safe, be happy and learn at school. I know EVERY parent wants this. That is why it is SO important that we make them feel welcome and part of the team when making decisions. Parent/teacher/student conferences is a great time to build relationships with parents. A great question to ask yourself is what do I want from my child's teacher? How would I want to be included? If my child was being disruptive or struggling in class how would I like to be approached?

Have you planned to have your students lead part of the parent/teacher conference? This can easily be done by using the RIT goals students have set for themselves. Great Article Click Here

district Writing prompt should be finished, graded and inputted in illuminate by Nov. 2

Please welcome:
Ross ancheta our new night custodian. If you see him on campus please introduce yourself.

Melissa solomon our new RSP teacher. She will be on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She will be located in room 21. If you see her on campus please introduce yourself.

Carlos is on light duty while he recovers. Joe will be filling in for him until he returns.

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Fern and Denise for working together and creating a successful math environment for our 7th and 8th graders.  

Play: Thank you for dressing up during our spirit days.

Choose your attitude: Your attitude can decide how you will feel for the rest of the day- EVERY DAY!!

Make Their Day:   Make at least one positive phone home this week.