Friday, November 9, 2018

November 9, 2018

November 9, 2018

Below is MAP data comparison from 2016 to 2018. We have a lot of areas to celebrate!

Classroom walk through data for October:
WOOHOO! 100% objectives posted and PBIS!!!! Let's keep it at 100% all year long! We also improved from 50% to 57.9% in making sure ELD is embedded in lessons. 0 academic discourse last month was at 38.9% and now is down to 21.1%. Let's try to get that down to at least 5% I know that we can do it!! The majority of our academic discourse was at level 2 and 3. Well done!

Want to be part of the FSUSD twitter chat dialogue. Here is the FSUSD chat schedule: CLICK HERE

Some of your 7th grade students are competing in our Vex Robotics tournament on November 17 at the Armijo gym. We would love to invite you, parents, and teachers to come by and cheer on all of the amazing students involved in this event. If you need more information, please let me know. 8:30-5:00

#BEKIND NEU campaign for this year:
Each class will be collecting Holiday Care packages for the troops.  This donation drive will run through the 26th.  The canned food drive will begin after the November break on the 26th.  Below is the list of items. If each class can have one box that contains most of these items it will make a difference. 

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Fern, Monica, and Garrett for presenting about the SST process. Thank you NEU Vegas team for presenting at our staff meeting what you learned at NEU. 

Play:  Thank you Katie, Jamie and Heather H. for planning a very fun AR party for students to celebrate meeting their goals!! 

Choose your attitude: Your attitude can decide how you will feel for the rest of the day- EVERY DAY!!

Make Their Day:   THANK you for making Mia's day last night- Heather M., Fern, Sarah, Ariel, Kristin, Vicky, Michelle, Melissa S., Mindi, Denise, and Daniel. Way to support a SV student! 

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