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Tasha Wahl is an artist, philanthropist and businesswoman.
She wanted to start a micro-philanthropy movement that embodied a concept
popularized by Mahatma Gandhi: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Tasha’s
life-sized butterfly installations can be seen all over the world and have been
photographed across the nation. Tasha knows that through small, contagious acts
of generosity, the world could become a better place. We received a grant
(thanks Kristin) to place the butterfly in our MPR room. The Butterfly Effect
recognizes that we can be the change we want to see in the world by
facilitating small acts of kindness, encouraging generosity, and promoting
creativity. Our students are making poor choices and not being kind to each
other. I am buying each grade level the book Andy Andrews The Butterfly
Effect. We do PBIS, RJ, community circles and teach character education.
Even with all of this our students are being mean to each other. I would like
to come together as a school and teach our students to BE THE CHANGE. They are
the only ones who can make this change one student at a time. During your
community circles have students recognize how they could be part of this
change. During spring break Kristin and I will be painting it on a wall in the
MPR. If you would like to help let me know.
Please watch our videos to learn about social butterflies and the
Butterfly Effect.
If Not You, Then Who? The Profound Power of One Small Action
A Butterfly Observed: How One Small Idea Sparked Worldwide Change
From Mr. Pringle:
As you know, next week is our College Week at SV. Check your email for spirit week calendar for all to view. We're encouraging student & staff participation. Also for the K-8 teachers, College Students will be here next Friday (Mar 22) during the morning to speak to respective classes. The schedule is being coordinated and will be sent out soon.
Additionally if you choose, here are a few simple activities for your students to participate in geared towards college information/readiness.
*College Bingo Game (Peter has sheets)
*Virtual College Scavenger Hunt (Peter has sheets)
*Design a College Pennant (Peter has the paper)
*Mascot Trivia (Peter has sheets)
*Door Decorating (college of your choice)
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Michelle and Melissa for meeting with me for academic conferences. Thank you Sarah for making sure every student's picture will be in the yearbook!!
Play: Have a great weekend!
Choose your attitude:
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day: Hand out caught you doing something right tickets like CRAZY!!!
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