Friday, August 23, 2019

August 23, 2019

On Saturday we celebrated Rakhi at my sister's house. Here is a picture of Maya tying one on for Dylan. Rakhi is the simple but beautiful thread tying around the wrist of a brother, conveying lots of love and emotions. Sisters wholeheartedly tie Rakhi on the wrist of their brothers and pray to divine for bestowing him prosperity, health with serenity. Brothers who deeply and truly understand the deep message of Rakhi, pledge to keep their sisters safe from all evil circumstances of their life and promise to stand by her in every up and down moments of life. The brothers usually give their sisters gifts. Rakhi festival also has a social significance because it underlines the notion that everybody should live in harmonious coexistence with each other.

Great team spirit at our staff meeting!! AAG games

were so fun!! 



Are. You. Ready? (Loved this and got it from Jeff Kubiak)

Wow! And just like that: School. Here it is. Some of our #NEU planning has already started, but others are about to begin.

Are You Ready?
For 180 days of awesomeness, fun, and laughter.

Are You Ready?
For ALL kids to be included, loved, cared for and noticed.
Are You Ready?
To be visible, honest, intentional and kind.

Are You Ready?
To make a difference. For. Every. Child. No. Matter. What.
Are You Ready?
To have a Student Lead classroom?

Are You Ready?
For failure, re-learning, unlearning and growth?
Are You Ready?
To connect with peers, admin, friends and family.
Are You Ready?
To Show Up. Every Day.
Are You Ready?
To Empower, Advocate, Play and Inspire?

Are You Ready?
To reflect every day so that kids run back to school not away?
Are You Ready?
For changes in behavior that you don’t understand, but to connect, accept, love and support?
Are You Ready?
To be all in, no excuses, every child, end of story?
Tell me.
Are. You. Ready?

I am.

The practice of common planning time (CPT) is more than scheduling a common time for a group of teachers to meet. The purpose of CPT needs to be specific, clear, and supported as an autonomous (or at least semi-autonomous) practice where teachers personalize their professional responsibilities and learning. Together, teachers use common planning time to strengthen their practice, learn new practices, share what they've learned, and divide or share the day-to-day planning of lessons and activities. This strategy provides an overview of how to set CPT expectations and routines and identifies ways to support CPT so that it is effective, relevant, and productive.

The goal is to create a balance between ensuring the time is well spent and providing teachers with autonomy. Some examples:
  • Collaborative lesson planning
  • Planning for peer observations or observing other colleagues 
  • Writing common assessments
  • Studying curriculum 
    • new curriculum
    • equity
  • Implementing student-centered instructional strategies and models
  • Identifying and intervening with students at risk 
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
I have really appreciated how everyone has volunteered their own time (BEING there) to either help out a new staff member . Staff members are really CHOOSING their attitude when there was SO much to do before Monday. Keep smiling :) YOU are MAKING someone’s day just by offering a helping hand or just by listening. You make me proud!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and your staff! A student from FHS sought me out last night at the Board meeting to tell me how much they enjoyed doing a mini AAG with Suisun Valley staff. Enjoy your school year. #180100%!
