Friday, September 20, 2019

September 20, 2019

No excuses start with us!!

Message from Dan Lopez about Culture of Universal Achievement click to see video

No Excuses University – Culture of Universal Achievement
I want to take some time over the next few weeks to provide additional information about each core area, as they are the foundation of successful schools.
Culture of Universal Achievement
Standards Alignment
Assessment Plan
Data Analysis
“Every member of the staff believes that each child is capable of meeting academic standards in reading, writing, and math, AND that the school has the power to make that opportunity a reality.”

When a school embraces a Culture of Universal Achievement, there are six belief statements that go hand-and-hand with the culture. As identified at the TurnAround Schools Institute, the belief statements are:

Belief #1: Every student will be proficient or advanced in reading, writing, and mathematics.
Belief #2: The academic accomplishment of every student is an obsession.
Belief #3: The school can neutralize many challenges students bring to the classroom.
Belief #4: Student achievement is the number one topic of conversation.
Belief #5: A maverick spirit is leading the way.
Belief #6: There are no excuses for poor effort.

Every student will be proficient or advanced in reading, writing, and mathematics: Do you believe you have the ability to provide the necessary support and interventions so that every student at your site will be proficient or advanced? And if you do…are you putting those plans in motion so that you support every student in meeting this goal?
The academic accomplishment of every student is an obsession: Is the academic accomplishment of every student the domination of your thoughts/feelings? Do the decisions you make reflect an unwavering focus on academic achievement?
The school can neutralize many challenges students bring to the classroom: Do our actions and our staff reflect a belief that we have the ability to neutralize the challenges students bring to the classroom? Are conversations about solutions and strategies to support the students to ensure academic success?
Student achievement is the number one topic of conversation: When we discuss the school and the students, is the focus on student achievement?
A maverick spirit is leading the way: WE must be willing to fight status quo. There must be high expectations for everyone who has an impact on student achievement.
There are no excuses for poor effort: No Excuses does not mean no compassion AND No Excuses begins with adults. Are we doing everything to ensure academic success for every student!

Now…before you read any further, re-read the six belief statements and think about if they represent you as an educator. 

Ribbon cutting ceremony for our new building will be October 18th at 5:00 before our Harvest Festival which starts at 5:30.

Thanks to our grant writer, Stacy Burke, FSUSD is the recipient of a $50,000 grant to improve playgrounds at Anna Kyle, Cleo Gordon, HGR, Fairview, and Suisun Valley! We anticipate these will be summer 2020 projects.

For FSUTA Negotiations Update click HERE

Willful Defiance Suspensions Ban Expanded to Include Grades 4-8 in Favor of Restorative Justice Alternatives Read this article

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: PLEASE become a member of Parent Club by paying membership dues. Our parents do a lot on our campus and by joining it lets them know that we appreciate everything they do for us. The membership donation amount has been set at $10.00, but any amount you are able to provide over the basic membership would be greatly appreciated. Please make checks payable to Suisun Valley Parent Club (SVPC) and return to your classroom teacher or submit your donation via Venmo to: @suisunvalleypc (SVPC Parent Club). Of course, all donations to the Parent Club are tax deductible referencing the SVPC tax I.D. number 680405243.

You may complete your membership by submitting your information via this link:

Play: Love buddy classes getting together and building relationships. Just saw a little buddy see their big buddy and they ran over and gave them a hug :) 

Choose your attitude: Thank you for keeping a positive attitude. Great way to start the new school year 

Make Their Day:   THANK you front office staff for treats and coffee today. Great way to start a Friday :)

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