Friday, January 31, 2020

January 31, 2020

Um is it kindness week???? The students were not feeling it. We had more referrals this week than any other week. Not sure what was going on but we sure were trying to spread the love and it was not happening!! Remember to consistently hold class meetings. It DOES make a difference. Thank you. I appreciate everything YOU do for our school and students. 

MAP Winter Test Administration - Let’s See that Growth!
Top 4 Reports That Every Teacher Should Run After Administering MAP:
1.      Class
2.      Class Breakdown
3.      Project Summary (choose Fall to Winter)
4.      Student Profile - This reports shows each student’s projection for the CAASPP. This report  is a great tool for parent meetings, student goal setting, and resources for students.

MAP testing at SV will take place next week. Remember the classroom teacher is responsible for make ups.

A quick reminder:
· Students will have ONE opportunity to test in Reading and mathematics. They will no longer be able to retest. This will help keep testing to a minimum. It is critical that you proctor and monitor the students closely so that you can be sure students gave their best effort so that accurate data is measured on where students are in their learning. In addition, the system will prompt the proctor letting them know if a student is "rapid guessing". 
· Equity for All - Accessibility & Accommodations - Removing Barriers - Be sure to look at the available supports. Here is the link to see what is available in MAP
· To turn on Text-To-Speech - Simply turn the Chromebook on and click on "Ctrl Alt Z and this will turn on the ChromeVox spoken feedback feature. Then open the MAP APP and the screen content will be read aloud. Students will need earbuds.  

The Help Desk 399-5100. 

Support our student council and buy a luv-a-gram (Feb. 3-12) for your students. You may want to check with student council and get a list of students who may not receive one and buy one for that student. This is a great way to make their day and support our school!

MAP and Khan Academy for Math – great resource HERE

Character trait for this month is citizenship HERE

Add your Padlet fish moment HERE  for staff meeting

Thursday, January 23, 2020

January 24, 2020

As many of you know Dylan has Ollier's disease and he has 9 tumors in his left hand and one in his ulna bone in his left arm. I will not be at school tomorrow because he has an appointment at Shriner's. His tumors are always growing bigger because they grow as he grows. His tumor in his ulna bone is quite large and is now causing his radius bone to bow out a bit. We will find out more information tomorrow. 
#kindnessmatters Did you know that a smile, a kind word, a helping hand or a simple note of thanks on a sticky note can truly make someone's day?  These are SIMPLE acts of kindness that can be LIFE CHANGING for many on our staff/students.  Happiness researcher (yes, it's a real thing), found that if you perform random acts of kindness for two minutes a day for twenty-one days, you can actually retrain your brain to be more positive.  

Kindness check off list are in our January staff meeting folder. Great Kindness challenge is
next week :)
Staff kindness challenge during the week:
Monday: enjoy breakfast treats and coffee from the front office staff
Tuesday: go check on a teacher that you rarely get to see
Wednesday: write a note to a staff member and leave it in their box
Thursday: compliment 5 students who are NOT in your classroom
Friday: hand out 5 caught you doing something right during your yard duty

Relationships matter deeply, learning happens when the brain feels safe and supported, and no child is a lost cause. Take a look at THIS ARTICLE “What is so true in the science of human development is that it is an optimistic story,” Cantor says. “It tells a story that no matter what a child’s starting point is, that development is possible if it is intentionally encouraged in the experiences and relationships that children have.”

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There:  When people need you, they need you.  Setting aside distractions and judgments to be fully present is a sign of respect.  It improves communication and strengthens relationships.
Play: You can be serious about your work without taking yourself too seriously. Play is a mindset more than a specific activity.  It allows you to throw yourself with enthusiasm, creativity and CURIOSITY, into whatever you are doing, in a way that is natural, not forced.  “Playing” with ideas helps you find solutions to everyday challenges.
Choose your attitude: To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional.  Ask yourself throughout the day, “What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?”
Make Their Day:   Simple gestures of thoughtfulness, thanks and recognition make people feel appreciated and valued.  When you make someone feel good, you feel good too.


Friday, January 17, 2020

January 17, 2020

What Students Remember Most About Teachers
Dear  Teacher Down the Hall,
I saw you as you rushed past me in the lunch room. Urgent. In a hurry to catch a bite before the final bell would ring calling all the students back inside. I noticed that your eyes showed tension. There were faint creases in your forehead. And I asked you how your day was going and you sighed.
“Oh, fine,” you replied.
But I knew it was anything but fine. I noticed that the stress was getting to you. I could tell that the pressure was rising. And I looked at you and made an intentional decision to stop you right then and there. To ask you how things were really going. Was it that I saw in you a glimpse of myself that made me take the moment?
You told me how busy you were, how much there was to do. How little time there was to get it all done. I listened. And then I told you this:
I told you to remember that at the end of the day, it’s not about the lesson plan. It’s not about the fancy stuff we teachers make -- the crafts we do, the stories we read, the papers we laminate. No, that’s not really it. That’s not what matters most.
And as I looked at you, wearing all that worry and under all that strain, I said it’s about being there for your kids. Because at the end of the day, most students won’t remember what amazing lesson plans you’ve created. They won’t remember how organized your bulletin boards are. How straight and neat are the desk rows.
No, they’ll not remember that amazing decor you’ve designed.
But they will remember you.
Your kindness. Your empathy. Your care and concern. They’ll remember that you took the time to listen. That you stopped to ask them how they were. How they really were. They’ll remember the personal stories you tell about your life: your home, your pets, your kids. They’ll remember your laugh. They’ll remember that you sat and talked with them while they ate their lunch.
Because at the end of the day, what really matters is YOU. What matters to those kids that sit before you in those little chairs, legs pressed up tight under tables often too small -- what matters to them is you.
You are that difference in their lives.
And when I looked at you then with tears in your eyes, emotions rising to the surface, and I told you gently to stop trying so hard -- I also reminded you that your own expectations were partly where the stress stemmed. For we who truly care are often far harder on ourselves than our students are willing to be. Because we who truly care are often our own worst enemy. We mentally beat ourselves up for trivial failures. We tell ourselves we’re not enough. We compare ourselves to others. We work ourselves to the bone in the hopes of achieving the perfect lesson plan. The most dynamic activities. The most engaging lecture. The brightest, fanciest furnishings.
Because we want our students to think we’re the very best at what we do and we believe that this status of excellence is achieved merely by doing. But we forget -- and often. Excellence is more readily attained by being.
Being available.
Being kind.
Being compassionate.
Being transparent.
Being real.
Being thoughtful.
Being ourselves.
And of all the students I know who have lauded teachers with the laurels of the highest acclaim, those students have said of those teachers that they cared.
You see, kids can see through to the truth of the matter. And while the flashy stuff can entertain them for a while, it’s the steady constant of empathy that keeps them connected to us. It’s the relationships we build with them. It’s the time we invest. It’s all the little ways we stop and show concern. It’s the love we share with them: of learning. Of life. And most importantly, of people.
And while we continually strive for excellence in our profession as these days of fiscal restraint and heavy top-down demands keep coming at us -- relentless and quick. We need to stay the course. For ourselves and for our students. Because it’s the human touch that really matters.
It’s you, their teacher, that really matters.
So go back to your class and really take a look. See past the behaviors, the issues and the concerns, pressing as they might be. Look beyond the stack of papers on your desk, the line of emails in your queue. Look further than the classrooms of seasoned teachers down the hall. Look. And you will see that it’s there- right inside you. The ability to make an impact. The chance of a lifetime to make a difference in a child’s life. And you can do this now.
Right where you are, just as you are.
Because all you are right now is all you ever need to be for them today. And who you are tomorrow will depend much on who and what you decide to be today.
It’s in you. I know it is.

That Other Teacher Down the Hall


We are MAP testing at SV from Feb. 3-7. J

It's time for the Winter MAP test administration. 

ELEMENTARY TESTING WINDOW - February 3 - February 20 

Important Reminders while testing:
  • It is critical that you proctor and monitor the students closely so that you can be sure students are giving their best effort. The system will prompt the proctor letting them know if a student is "rapid guessing". Be sure to check in with the student to encourage them to take their time and do their best.
Here are the test names for each assessment by grade level.

PLEASE BE SURE TO SELECT THE CORRECT NAME FOR YOUR GRADE LEVEL WHEN SETTING UP YOUR TEST SESSIONS. This will ensure that students do not have the ability to select the incorrect test. 

Grades 1 & 2
Growth: Reading K-2 CA 2010
Growth: Math K-2 CA 2010
** Reminder ** 
Grade 2 takes these tests and not the Growth 2-5 tests ***

Grades 3-5  
Growth: Reading 2-5 CA 2010 V2
Growth: Math 2-5 CA 2010

Grades 6+
Growth: Reading 6+ CA 2010 V2
Growth: Math 6+ CA 2010

As always, please call the Help Desk at 399-5100 for technical support during testing. If you respond to this email with tech support issues, it may take me up to 24 hours to respond as I will be out at school sites during testing. 

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There:  When people need you, they need you.  Setting aside distractions and judgements to be fully present is a sign of respect.  It improves communication and strengthens relationships.
Play: You can be serious about your work without taking yourself too seriously. Play is a mindset more than a specific activity.  It allows you to throw yourself with enthusiasm, creativity and CURIOSITY, into whatever you are doing, in a way that is natural, not forced.  “Playing” with ideas helps you find solutions to everyday challenges.
Choose your attitude: To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional.  Ask yourself throughout the day, “What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?”
Make Their Day:   Simple gestures of thoughtfulness, thanks and recognition make people feel appreciated and valued.  When you make someone feel good, you feel good too.


Friday, January 10, 2020

January 10, 2020

Maya turned 14 on Monday. I can't believe it!! Time goes by too fast!  

Please remember to teach a 10 minute Character Counts lesson on respect/
citizenship every day :) Character trait for January is citizenship.
Here is a website to get ideas for your grade level -

Congratulations Jennifer McGuinness for winning teacher of the year for
Suisun Valley.

Walk through data for Nov/Dec: We did a great job in the
areas of DOK level 2 and 3. Areas to improve is for me to come in
during your small group time.

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There:  When people need you, they need you.  Setting aside distractions and judgments to be fully present is a sign of respect.  It improves communication and strengthens relationships.
Play: You can be serious about your work without taking yourself too seriously. Play is a mindset more than a specific activity.  It allows you to throw yourself with enthusiasm, creativity and CURIOSITY, into whatever you are doing, in a way that is natural, not forced.  “Playing” with ideas helps you find solutions to everyday challenges.
Choose your attitude: To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional.  Ask yourself throughout the day, “What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?”
Make Their Day:   Simple gestures of thoughtfulness, thanks and recognition make people feel appreciated and valued.  When you make someone feel good, you feel good too. Thank you Jamie, Fern, Jennifer, and Melody for snacks at our staff meeting.