Thursday, January 23, 2020

January 24, 2020

As many of you know Dylan has Ollier's disease and he has 9 tumors in his left hand and one in his ulna bone in his left arm. I will not be at school tomorrow because he has an appointment at Shriner's. His tumors are always growing bigger because they grow as he grows. His tumor in his ulna bone is quite large and is now causing his radius bone to bow out a bit. We will find out more information tomorrow. 
#kindnessmatters Did you know that a smile, a kind word, a helping hand or a simple note of thanks on a sticky note can truly make someone's day?  These are SIMPLE acts of kindness that can be LIFE CHANGING for many on our staff/students.  Happiness researcher (yes, it's a real thing), found that if you perform random acts of kindness for two minutes a day for twenty-one days, you can actually retrain your brain to be more positive.  

Kindness check off list are in our January staff meeting folder. Great Kindness challenge is
next week :)
Staff kindness challenge during the week:
Monday: enjoy breakfast treats and coffee from the front office staff
Tuesday: go check on a teacher that you rarely get to see
Wednesday: write a note to a staff member and leave it in their box
Thursday: compliment 5 students who are NOT in your classroom
Friday: hand out 5 caught you doing something right during your yard duty

Relationships matter deeply, learning happens when the brain feels safe and supported, and no child is a lost cause. Take a look at THIS ARTICLE “What is so true in the science of human development is that it is an optimistic story,” Cantor says. “It tells a story that no matter what a child’s starting point is, that development is possible if it is intentionally encouraged in the experiences and relationships that children have.”

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There:  When people need you, they need you.  Setting aside distractions and judgments to be fully present is a sign of respect.  It improves communication and strengthens relationships.
Play: You can be serious about your work without taking yourself too seriously. Play is a mindset more than a specific activity.  It allows you to throw yourself with enthusiasm, creativity and CURIOSITY, into whatever you are doing, in a way that is natural, not forced.  “Playing” with ideas helps you find solutions to everyday challenges.
Choose your attitude: To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional.  Ask yourself throughout the day, “What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?”
Make Their Day:   Simple gestures of thoughtfulness, thanks and recognition make people feel appreciated and valued.  When you make someone feel good, you feel good too.


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