Friday, February 5, 2021

February 5, 2021


5 Ways to Conduct Formative Assessments Virtually

To check for student understanding during remote learning, teachers can adapt old standbys and embrace new digital tools.

To learn more strategies for formative assessment during distance learning, check out “7 Ways to Do Formative Assessments in Your Virtual Classroom.”

Upcoming Governing Board Meeting:

On Thursday, January 28th our Governing Board engaged in dialogue regarding the return to in-person instruction. Take some time to watch it so you stay informed.  FSUSD Governing Board Meetings are archived on the FSUSD Broadcasting Channel,

A vote on a decision regarding the return to in-person instruction will take place at the Feb. 11 Governing Board Meeting. Here is the link:

Student Passwords:

In an effort to ensure the protection and safety of our students and their FSUSD accounts,

students should change their password from the standard password they are provided.

This will allow for greater security and help stop against “hacking”. Thank you for helping

us to keep our students’ digital content and devices secure from hacking.

Please ensure that you are kept aware of ALL of the information regarding COVID, notifications, periods of quarantine times and more. Please take a few moments to review some critical pieces of information.

-----> Communication Tree/Protocol <-----

-----> Guide For Families <-----

Suisun Valley Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Site-Specific Plan

Board Policies Update for Site Newsletters

The Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District maintains Board Policies

and Administrative Regulations that provide guidance to the operations

of the district based on current State and Federal law.  Over the next

few months, the newsletter will highlight one or two policies that are

required to be shared annually with FSUSD staff.  Our goal in

distributing a few policies each week is that you will be able to take

the time to review the policies.

BP 3260 Fees and Charges

AR 3260 Fees and Charges

A district is prohibited from requiring students to pay a fee, deposit, or other charge in order to participate in an educational activity as defined in Education Code 49010. A district is also required to provide the supplies, materials, and equipment needed by students to participate in educational activities.  Districts may charge fees only when specifically authorized by law.

BP/AR 3260 outlines what fees are prohibited and what fees are permissible.

BP 4137 Tutoring

The Governing Board expects teachers and other members of the instructional staff to make every effort to resolve students' learning problems at school before recommending that parents/ guardians engage a tutor or other professional help. To preclude conflicts of interest, teachers may not accept any kind of remuneration for tutoring a student enrolled in any of their classes. 

BP 4137 outlines the expectations regarding an employee who provides fee-based tutoring support to students.

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you being on time and actively participating when working on math and ELA strategies. 
Play: Love the 100th day activities that many participated in today. 
Choose your attitude: Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. 
Make Their Day:  Thank you for thinking out of the box on how to connect with a student. Kristin has really been going above and beyond to ensure our students are attending intervention. 

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