Thursday, August 31, 2017

September 1, 2017

September 1

This picture was taken in the spring of 2017. Dylan's school had a mother/son NEON dance. It was a fun night!! We both danced all night long!! 
As parents we worry. As they go into surgery- we worry even more. Dylan's disease is very rare so we won't know what to expect until they perform surgery. This unfortunately will be the first of MANY surgeries during his life. 
As a family we had a great conversation during dinner last week. We have a weekly dinner regimen. Every night during dinner each person shares the most positive thing that happened to them during the day. Last week Dylan decided to change the question. He wanted each person to share the accomplishment in life that they were most proud of. Chris shared. Maya shared. Then Dylan says, "I am so happy that I got to experience my life with you guys as my family," My thoughts- What? Is he for real? Does he secretly read Hallmark cards when we aren't looking? Poor Grandma had to go after him. I told her good luck following that one. I know with his positive attitude he will always be positive about his disease and accept what comes, but as parents we want to protect them as much as possible. I am going to refrain from my work email and be a mom the next four days. I appreciate the well wishes and will keep you posted how surgery goes. His surgery will be at 1:30pm tomorrow. 

7 Things to Remember About Feedback
1.       Feedback is not advice, praise, or evaluation. Feedback is information about how we are doing in our efforts to a goal.
2.       If students know the classroom is a safe place to make mistakes, they are more likely to use feedback for learning.
3.       The feedback students give teachers can be more powerful than the feedback teachers give students.
4.       When we give a grade as a part of our feedback, students routinely read only as far as the grade.
5.       Effective feedback occurs during the learning, while there is still time to act on it.
6.       Most of the feedback that students receive about their classroom work is from other students – and much of that feedback is wrong.
7.       Students need to know their learning target—the specific skill they’re supposed to learn—or else “feedback” is just someone telling them what to do.

“Data doesn’t belong to the teacher.  The data belongs to the student and is on loan to you.”  --Damen Lopez

Developing a Commitment to Common Assessment Practices
(Damen Lopez)
The The most successful teams display a clear purpose on the way that they take a joint effort to utilize valuable assessment practices.  These teams exhibit the following characteristics:
1.    Speak the same language, the language of data.  Successful teams continue to go back to the numbers.  While emotion is often an important quality that helps us to nurture and teach from the heart, getting results is the ultimate goal.  If a team is kind and nurturing, but their students are failing then they have not done their job.  Take the emotion out of the situation and look at the numbers.
2.    Share data openly with one another.    One of the most difficult things for us to do as a teacher is to share our data.  We hide it out of embarrassment or fear of being judged.  Successful teams make commitments to looking openly at their data with the purpose to not cast blame, but to help one another.
3.    Take responsibility for all students.  The easiest way for teams to get over their fear of sharing data is to decide that they are responsible as a whole for every student.  Being a team means working interdependently.  This starts with the way you collaborate about students.
4.    Tie assessment to strategies and interventions that work.  It is often said we are “data rich and information poor.”  No one would argue the fact that assessments are crucial to ensuring academic success for students.  However, assessments that are given without plans to turn data into strategies that create success for students are useless.  Simply put:  Once you know where students stand, it is your responsibility to make use of that information and generate academic success as you teach them. The data you collected during your grade level meeting is your starting point.

Image result for mystery science

Great website for Science lessons. 

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Eat lunch with a student that you may have a difficult time with. BUILD A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM!
Play: I have observed many students AND teachers having FUN during our morning walk. Thank you Mr. Kimble for organizing it. 
 Choose your attitude: BE POSITIVE!!!
Make Their Day:  Thank you after school yard duty team. The heat doesn't even stop you from doing the right thing for kids. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!! SO proud of ALL of our staff and teachers!! Thank you Kristin for helping out!

Friday, August 25, 2017

August 25, 2017

August 25

BTSN:  Back to School Night is scheduled  Aug. 29. Please have parents sign 3 way NEU pledge. Copies will be placed in your boxes. Keep these for your records in your classroom. Students need to sign these too :) Also parent code of conduct copies are in your box. Those are for parents to keep. Parents need to sign that they have read the parent/students handbook and return, copies were placed in your boxes. Waivers to bring devices to school were also placed in your boxes, please hand those out on BTSN. 

Back to School Night social will be from 4:30-6:00
ALL teachers meet in Multi at 6:00 for introductions. Teachers will be dismissed after introductions. I will have a PPT for parents in multi. until 6:15
6:20-6:50 – first classroom presentation
5 minute passing
6:55-7:25- second classroom presentation 


You know what they say, "You only have one time to make a good first impression."  So, teachers take great care in the way you set up your classrooms, dress for success, and display personal touches of love. What parents mostly want to know is if the teacher is nice and if their children will be loved during this 180 day learning journey.  

Goals for the first six weeks

Teachers are experts on curriculum and pedagogy, but parents are experts on their own children—how the children absorb information, what delights them, how they show that they’re upset, what comforts them. During the first six weeks, we can create a climate of respect, trust, and collaboration with these valuable educational partners. Here are the three main goals in this early work with parents:
Help parents feel welcomed and valued. Show that you’re excited to work with their child. Reassure them that their opinions, interests, and family culture matter to you. As one parent of a second grader said, “It’s so important to me that the teacher has a welcoming demeanor and shows that she wants you to be part of your child’s education.”
Welcome parents to play an active role. Begin sending the message that you want parents to visit the classroom, send notes, call you, and voice opinions.
Build community among families. Help parents get to know each other. When parents share positive relationships, they’re more likely to get their children together outside of school, take part in school life, and seek help if their children need it.

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: I observed colleagues being there for one another when they needed it. SUCH A FISH moment!! 
Play: I have observed well planned Ag. Lessons and students were having FUN!!
 Choose your attitude: If you cannot be positive, then at least, be quiet. 
Make Their Day:  Write a positive note to each student to make their day!!

Friday, August 18, 2017

August 18, 2017

Maya and Dylan started their first day of fourth and sixth grade! I can't believe how fast time is going by. I am starting my 7th year here at Suisun Valley and Chris is starting his 4th year at Vaca High. I look forward to seeing you and you families tonight. 
Check out this video 

Great to build Academic Conversations 

News:  BEHAVIOR EXPECTATION DUE  (Your class rules are due today 8/18). This was in staff handbook :)  ALL emergency sub plans are due to the front office 9/1. Please make sure 504 plans are attached to plans when you turn them in. 

Please make sure you read pamphlets in August staff meeting folder and sign off that you read them on Kristin's desk. This must be completed by 8/25. Please make sure you complete Mandated Reporter and turn in certificate to Kristin. 
Have your COLLEGE chants ready for Friday's Dragon Award ceremony!! Can't wait to hear them! 
We had an AMAZING first week of school because you have done a great job working as a TEAM!! PICK UP ROUTINE- we are still working out the details: It is getting better every day. Do you know why??? Because you guys are AWESOME!! With a great TEAM every day we are able to get our pick up process going very smoothly. I received a lot of compliments from parents and wanted you to know that they appreciated all of you! I am working on an email and a map to help parent with pick up procedures. I want to take one more day so we can iron out the glitches. I will email out to parents tomorrow. 

*THANK YOU for the newsletters already!  I have seen some really cool stuff! If you send any letters or emails home I need to approve them first.

Expectations vs. Standards (Good Enough to Repeat)

Expectations should not be confused with standards.  Standards are levels of achievement.  Teachers who practice positive expectations will help their students reach high standards.  It takes just as much energy to achieve positive results as it does to achieve negative results.  So why waste your energy to fail when the same amount of energy can help you and your students achieve.
Key idea:  Expectations of students will greatly influence their achievement in school and in life.

There is absolutely no research correlation between success and family background, race, national origin, financial status, or even educational accomplishments.  There is but one correlations with success, and that it ATTITUDE!

Humans have a success instinct.  They want success. They strive for success. 

Knowing what you can or cannot achieve is called expectation.  An expectation is what you believe will or will not happen.

Classic Research on Expectations
Robert Rosenthal in the 1960’s fed erroneous information to a group of South San Francisco elementary teachers.  In the spring of the preceding year, the students at a school were pretested.  The researches and administrators told the teachers they were special teachers who were to be part of a special experiment.  They were told, “Based on a pretest, we have identified 20 percent of your students who are special.  They will be ‘spurters’ or ‘bloomers’ and are a designated group of students of whom greater intellectual growth is expected.  The names were really selected at random.  The teachers were told to not tell the students or the parents.  “Thus we expect and know that you will do extremely well with these special students.”  Eight months later all students were tests again.  The results showed a significant gain in intellectual growth for the 20 percent who were designated as special.  The teachers were quite surprised to learn that neither the teachers nor the students were “special.”  The expectations, however, made all the difference.

Students tend to learn as little or as much as their teachers expect.  Teachers who set and communicate high expectations to all their students obtain greater academic performance from those students than teachers who set low expectations. 

(Taken from The First Days of School:  How to Be an Effective Teacher by Harry and Rosemary Wong
Here’s to high expectations for all students and ourselves! As a No Excuses School we have committed to teaching our expectations for the first 10 days of school. 


Observable Fish Moments at SV:
I have really appreciated how everyone has volunteered their own time (BEING there) to either help out a new staff member  in such a short amount of time. Staff members are really CHOOSING their attitude when there was SO much to do before Wednesday. Keep smiling :) YOU are MAKING someone’s day just by offering a helping hand or just by listening. You make me proud!!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

August 11, 2017

August 11, 2017

This past weekend my family celebrated Rakhi. Rakhi is the simple but beautiful thread tying around the wrist of a brother, conveying lots of love and emotions. Sisters wholeheartedly tie Rakhi on the wrist of their brothers and pray to divine for bestowing him prosperity, health with serenity. Brothers who deeply and truly understand the deep message of Rakhi, pledge to keep their sisters safe from all evil circumstances of their life and promise to stand by her in every up and down moments of life. The brothers usually give their sisters gifts. Rakhi festival also has a social significance because it underlines the notion that everybody should live in harmonious coexistence with each other. OR as my nephew Riley would say, "Rakhi sucks for the boys!" and Dylan responds with, "No it doesn't. We are so lucky we get a string that tells us how much our sisters love and care about us AND they feed us our favorite sweets." He is sweet! Here is a pic of the gang and Maya tying a Rakhi on Dylan. 

Are. You. Ready? (Loved this and got it from Jeff Kubiak)

Wow! And just like that: School. Here it is. Some of our #NEU planning has already started, but others are about to begin.
Are You Ready?
For 180 days of awesomeness, fun, and laughter.
Are You Ready?

For ALL kids to be included, loved, cared for and noticed.
Are You Ready?
To be visible, honest, intentional and kind.
Are You Ready?

To make a difference. For. Every. Child. No. Matter. What.
Are You Ready?
To have a Student Lead classroom?
Are You Ready?

For failure, re-learning, unlearning and growth?
Are You Ready?

To connect with peers, admin, friends and family.
Are You Ready?

To Show Up. Every Day.
Are You Ready?
To Empower, Advocate, Play and Inspire?
Are You Ready?

To reflect every day so that kids run back to school not away?
Are You Ready?

For changes in behavior that you don’t understand, but to connect, accept, love and support?
Are You Ready?
To be all in, no excuses, every child, end of story?

Tell me.

Are. You. Ready?

I am.

Image result for FISH philosophy goal
Please come prepared to set your FISH goal for the year. 

Monday, August 14, 2017        8:30-12:00       Staff Meeting-  in staff room
                                                1:00-2:00     Orientation for new staff on site- in staff room
     12:00-3:00 Teacher work day in your classroom                    
Tuesday, August 15, 2017         8:00-3:00   Teacher Work Day in your classroom
August 16: First day of school
August 18: Staff social at our home in Vacaville at 137 Auburn Way at 5:00pm. Please bring your family and swim stuff :)

Friday, August 4, 2017

August 5, 2017

August 5, 2017

And we're back :) Hope everyone enjoyed their summer. The parking lot is almost done. Our ribbon cutting ceremony for our parking lot AND outdoor kitchen will be on August 9th at 1:30. If you can make it we would love to see you there.

Please place our IPR meeting on your calendar for September 20th 3:15-4:45. This is a required meeting and you will receive adjunct hours for it :)

This summer we had Marissa Grimes complete her Gold Star Project (Girl's Scout) at our school. She has cleaned up the Native Garden and has added two benches and is working on creating some individual green house covers for our garden boxes. This weekend James Baird will be rebuilding our benches in our outdoor garden for his Eagle Scout Project.

Dear Dragon Staff,
I hope your summer is going great and that you are relaxing and enjoying your time off. It has been a busy summer at school with getting our school ready. Thank you Carlos and Anthony for making our rooms SPARKLE!!

Our retreat is scheduled for August 10th. We will meet at Suisun Valley at 8:30am in the staff room. Buy back is available. If you are unable to attend please email or call me. Wear comfortable clothes, sun block, and/or a hat. We will be spending some time in the garden. On Monday morning August 14th we will have our first staff meeting from 8:30-12:00pm in the staff room J. I WOULD LIKE ALL STAFF TO ATTEND FOR THE FIRST 30 minutes. If you are a new teacher on campus you will meet with me in the staff room at 1:00pm on August 14th. The meeting will last about an hour. On August 18th at 5:00pm we will be having our staff social at my home at 137 Auburn Way Vacaville, 95688. Please bring your family and your swim stuff. We hope to see everyone there.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to some new staff members on our site Daniel Kimble (P.E.), Cecily Williams(2nd/3rd), Garrett Miner (School Psychologist), Larissa Sherrod (Program Specialist), Monica Berg (Speech Therapist), and Annette Cottman (Librarian) . If you see them on campus please introduce yourself and help them in any way that you can.

I want you to know that I think we had an exciting sixth year together. You are an amazing staff and I feel fortunate to be able to work with you. I am excited about our new year, our new teachers, staff and just being back!!   

The 2017/2018 school year promises to be another great year. We will continue to work on our Ag/Tech focus for the upcoming school year. We will also continue to support our efforts of being an NEU school. As a staff we will work together to learn NGSS and Common Core. I know that through our continued hard work, we will see our students grow academically and socially.
The school calendar has been approved and the teacher work days are August 14th and August 15th, and the students will arrive on August 16th.  The school will be open for you to pick up your keys, August 7th. We have been working very hard to ensure that your rooms are ready.
Have a super rest of the summer and I will see you on August 10th.

Thursday, August 10, 2017        8:30-3:30pm                 Ag PD Bring your Life lab books and laptops or ipads 
                                                                      Coffee, breakfast treats, water, and lunch will be provided
August 10: Buy Back Professional development here at SV Ag Lifelab/NGSS standards; wear comfortable shoes, sunscreen, and a hat if you need. We will be going out to the garden
12:00-12:30 Lunch

Monday, August 14, 2017        8:30-12:00       Staff Meeting-  in staff room
                                                1:00-2:00     Orientation for new staff on site- in staff room
12:00-3:00                     Teacher Work Day in Your Classrooms
Tuesday, August 15, 2017         8:00-3:00                       Teacher Work Day in Your Classrooms
August 16: First day of school
August 18: Staff social at our home in Vacaville at 137 Auburn Way at 5:00pm. Please bring your family and swim stuff :)

Best Regards,
Jas Bains Wright