And we're back :) Hope everyone enjoyed their summer. The parking lot is almost done. Our ribbon cutting ceremony for our parking lot AND outdoor kitchen will be on August 9th at 1:30. If you can make it we would love to see you there.
Please place our IPR meeting on your calendar for September 20th 3:15-4:45. This is a required meeting and you will receive adjunct hours for it :)
This summer we had Marissa Grimes complete her Gold Star Project (Girl's Scout) at our school. She has cleaned up the Native Garden and has added two benches and is working on creating some individual green house covers for our garden boxes. This weekend James Baird will be rebuilding our benches in our outdoor garden for his Eagle Scout Project.
Dear Dragon Staff,
I hope your summer is going great and that you are relaxing and enjoying your time off. It has been a busy summer at school with getting our school ready. Thank you Carlos and Anthony for making our rooms SPARKLE!!
Our retreat is scheduled for August 10th. We will meet at Suisun Valley at 8:30am in the staff room. Buy back is available. If you are unable to attend please email or call me. Wear comfortable clothes, sun block, and/or a hat. We will be spending some time in the garden. On Monday morning August 14th we will have our first staff meeting from 8:30-12:00pm in the staff room J. I WOULD LIKE ALL STAFF TO ATTEND FOR THE FIRST 30 minutes. If you are a new teacher on campus you will meet with me in the staff room at 1:00pm on August 14th. The meeting will last about an hour. On August 18th at 5:00pm we will be having our staff social at my home at 137 Auburn Way Vacaville, 95688. Please bring your family and your swim stuff. We hope to see everyone there.
I would like to extend a warm welcome to some new staff members on our site Daniel Kimble (P.E.), Cecily Williams(2nd/3rd), Garrett Miner (School Psychologist), Larissa Sherrod (Program Specialist), Monica Berg (Speech Therapist), and Annette Cottman (Librarian) . If you see them on campus please introduce yourself and help them in any way that you can.
I want you to know that I think we had an exciting sixth year together. You are an amazing staff and I feel fortunate to be able to work with you. I am excited about our new year, our new teachers, staff and just being back!!
The 2017/2018 school year promises to be another great year. We will continue to work on our Ag/Tech focus for the upcoming school year. We will also continue to support our efforts of being an NEU school. As a staff we will work together to learn NGSS and Common Core. I know that through our continued hard work, we will see our students grow academically and socially.
The school calendar has been approved and the teacher work days are August 14th and August 15th, and the students will arrive on August 16th. The school will be open for you to pick up your keys, August 7th. We have been working very hard to ensure that your rooms are ready.
Have a super rest of the summer and I will see you on August 10th.
Thursday, August 10, 2017 8:30-3:30pm Ag PD Bring your Life lab books and laptops or ipads
Coffee, breakfast treats, water, and lunch will be provided
August 10: Buy Back Professional development here at SV Ag Lifelab/NGSS standards; wear comfortable shoes, sunscreen, and a hat if you need. We will be going out to the garden
12:00-12:30 Lunch
Monday, August 14, 2017 8:30-12:00 Staff Meeting- in staff room
1:00-2:00 Orientation for new staff on site- in staff room
12:00-3:00 Teacher Work Day in Your Classrooms
Tuesday, August 15, 2017 8:00-3:00 Teacher Work Day in Your Classrooms
August 16: First day of school
August 18: Staff social at our home in Vacaville at 137 Auburn Way at 5:00pm. Please bring your family and swim stuff :)
Best Regards,
Jas Bains Wright
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