Friday, August 25, 2017

August 25, 2017

August 25

BTSN:  Back to School Night is scheduled  Aug. 29. Please have parents sign 3 way NEU pledge. Copies will be placed in your boxes. Keep these for your records in your classroom. Students need to sign these too :) Also parent code of conduct copies are in your box. Those are for parents to keep. Parents need to sign that they have read the parent/students handbook and return, copies were placed in your boxes. Waivers to bring devices to school were also placed in your boxes, please hand those out on BTSN. 

Back to School Night social will be from 4:30-6:00
ALL teachers meet in Multi at 6:00 for introductions. Teachers will be dismissed after introductions. I will have a PPT for parents in multi. until 6:15
6:20-6:50 – first classroom presentation
5 minute passing
6:55-7:25- second classroom presentation 


You know what they say, "You only have one time to make a good first impression."  So, teachers take great care in the way you set up your classrooms, dress for success, and display personal touches of love. What parents mostly want to know is if the teacher is nice and if their children will be loved during this 180 day learning journey.  

Goals for the first six weeks

Teachers are experts on curriculum and pedagogy, but parents are experts on their own children—how the children absorb information, what delights them, how they show that they’re upset, what comforts them. During the first six weeks, we can create a climate of respect, trust, and collaboration with these valuable educational partners. Here are the three main goals in this early work with parents:
Help parents feel welcomed and valued. Show that you’re excited to work with their child. Reassure them that their opinions, interests, and family culture matter to you. As one parent of a second grader said, “It’s so important to me that the teacher has a welcoming demeanor and shows that she wants you to be part of your child’s education.”
Welcome parents to play an active role. Begin sending the message that you want parents to visit the classroom, send notes, call you, and voice opinions.
Build community among families. Help parents get to know each other. When parents share positive relationships, they’re more likely to get their children together outside of school, take part in school life, and seek help if their children need it.

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: I observed colleagues being there for one another when they needed it. SUCH A FISH moment!! 
Play: I have observed well planned Ag. Lessons and students were having FUN!!
 Choose your attitude: If you cannot be positive, then at least, be quiet. 
Make Their Day:  Write a positive note to each student to make their day!!

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