Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22, 2017

September 22

Thank you for attending our IPR and our school site focus will continue to be math. Please see Denise Brown if you would like to have Solano Community College students to help in your classroom. You can set up times with SSC after school as well. As long as a credentialed teacher is in the room with them they can work with our students after school.

Message from Dan Lopez about Collaboration

No Excuses University – Collaboration
Culture of Universal Achievement
Standards Alignment
Assessment Plan
Data Analysis
“This is the first and most important system that needs to be developed. Once a clearly understood and agreed-to system for collaboration is in place, a staff is equipped to develop the remaining essential systems and address any other learning challenges they encounter.”

When a school embraces a system of collaboration, there are four attributes that need to be included. As identified at the TurnAround Schools Institute, the attributes are:
#1: Based on action oriented commitments
#2: Scheduled well in advance
#3: Driven by professional attitudes
#4: Focused on results
Now…before you move on, re-read the four statements and think about if they represent the collaboration that takes place on our campus.
Based on action oriented commitmentsWhen our teams come together to collaborate, do you leave with “we talked about…” statements or are there actions that are going to be immediately implemented to impact student learning?
Scheduled well in advanceDo we plan for collaboration or does it just happen? True collaboration includes bringing in data (not perceptions or hearsay) and making decisions based on the collected information. Such a process has to be planned so that the proper data can be collected and is the foundation for good decisions.
Driven by professional attitudesWhen our team discusses issues, is it done in a professional way? Do you praise one another during times of success and be honest with one another as you respectfully confront concerns. Does our site benefit from strong professional relationships?
Focused on resultsIs our collaborative time focused on student results? Do we come to the table and offer solutions? Are decisions based on student needs?

If you don’t collaborate around your students’ academic achievement data, then how do you know if you have alignment?

Image result for copies

I took this from Kris's letter to all staff:
The bottom line is that each copy is three cents.  A one page, two-sided copy is six cents. This adds up quickly.  One of our schools spent over $30K on copy costs, not including the cost of the paper. Districtwide, our contract allows for 6,204,000 copies every six months before the overage charges begin.  If we stay within this copy limit, our contract is quite reasonable.  Unfortunately, we have exceeded this amount by nearly 1.5M copies every six months.  The contract with Ray Morgan will expire at the end of 2018-2019.  Over the next year, we are working on a reduction plan for copiers.  (Great news--our Risographs are NOT included in this contract.  Risos are very inexpensive to use!)  Our goal by the end of winter break is to reduce the number of copiers in each school site by 25%.  The leadership teams at each school  will work with the site administrators to identify the copiers to be removed.  This may be large copiers, individual copiers, or a combination of both.  By the start of 2018-2019, we want to reduce the remaining copiers by 25%.  (Yes, this is common core math!)  In the 2018-2019 school year, we will set additional copier reduction targets.  I encourage all of us to work together and be more conscious of our paper copies.  As a reminder, the scanning feature on our large copiers is free.  People can scan to their heart’s content!
BOTTOM LINE at SV: We will need to reduce by 25% whether we get rid of a copier or individual copiers and this HAS to be done by winter break. If you don't use your printer in your classroom please let me know.

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: PLEASE become a member of Parent Club by paying membership dues. Our parents do a lot on our campus and by joining it lets them know that we appreciate everything they do for us.

Play: Many of you have taken the challenge and have created formatives in Illuminate and administering unit assessments online. NICE JOB!!

Choose your attitude: Thank you for keeping a positive attitude and persevering through new ELA curriculum! 

Make Their Day:   THANK you so much for sending a student for lunch with the Principal! The kids loved it AND so did I!!

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