Last week I attended a Restorative Justice training and this week I attended a PBIS training. This is just a reminder of how important both are at our school. Thank you Jessica Reed for the following :)
There is a lot of literature out there about the benefits of restorative practices in the classroom, but a great place for teachers to start is with proactive circles that build a sense of community and relationships in your classes. Remember also that Restorative Practices fit under the PBIS umbrella. This isn’t a stand alone thing or something that doesn’t fit within a PBIS system. It's about building relationships, student accountability and repairing relationships. These are cornerstones of any strong PBIS program. Click on the link to see how this particular teacher wrapped in mindfulness and circles into her everyday morning routine.
Resources for teachers
Sumdog is Coming: At Sumdog, we're running free online math contests in school districts nationwide. The contest is open to all schools for students from kindergarten to grade 8 and is free to enter. The math contest starts Friday, September 22nd, and runs until 8pm the following Thursday. Here's how the contest works:
- Scores are based on accuracy, and questions adapt to each student's ability - so everyone has a fair chance.
- During the contest, students simply play math games on the Sumdog website.
- Taking part is easy. It'll only take a couple of minutes to add your students to their class team.
- You can play at any time during the contest week - either at home or at school.
- The top three classes win a Sumdog subscription to premium teaching tools.
We'd love every student to have the chance to take part. We set up and run the entire contest.
To join, just visit this page:
SAVE THE DATES: Run/Hide/Fight training for ALL staff on October 3 3:15-4:45
Oct. 11 3:00-4:00 Superintendent Forum at SV - please plan to attend
Character Trait for September is Responsibility
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you for your support and kind words for Dylan.
Play: Make learning in your classroom engaging.
Choose your attitude: Good teaching is about hard work not a halo.” --Doug Lemov
Make Their Day: Send a student from your class to have lunch with me on Monday.
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