Here is a pic of the sisters before the wedding ceremony. It was a busy week! We are very excited to welcome Steven to our family. It was so nice to hang out with family we haven't seen in years. It was like a family reunion.
Would YOU come back to visit YOU? Ask yourself, have I engaged my students? Have I made a lasting POSITIVE impression on them? Have I connected with them on a level more than just with subject matter? If you said NO to any of these, take a moment to reflect on your teaching. ARE YOU MAKING A POSITIVE IMPACT AND A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE?
C'mon! We know it is the end of the year and this is the time to TRY NEW strategies to keep our kids engaged! How can you avoid burn out? How can you put an end to kids "resting" in your classroom? Take a look at THIS ARTICLE about easy hacks to incorporate in your classroom including small groups, moving, learning stations and more! There are even classrooms on our campus that are already ROCKIN' with this so go SEE THEM IN ACTION!! Our kids deserve it!
PLEASE READ RECESS BEHAVIOR: Students are beginning to push each other across on the the u shaped bar that they hang off of (I don't know the official name of this thing). This has never been allowed and for some reason students have started doing this. Students are getting hurt. Please be active during recess and make sure you follow up with students that this is NOT allowed.
Don't miss out on this exciting and engaging PD where you can learn all new ways and ideas for engaging students, increasing your technical knowledge, and all while attending an "unconference"!! Sign up NOW and don't miss out! It's going to be FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you for sharing so many classroom/student presentations. It was so nice to see the students be respectful of one another and take a true interest in what was being presented! Way to be a DRAGON!!!
Play: Thank you Cecily and Melissa for putting on an AMAZING talent show! So fun!!
Choose your attitude:
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day: Thank you Laura and Kristin for creating the video for Thursday's board presentation. Thank you Melissa for having Battle of Books on our campus. Thank you Sarah for creating a beautiful yearbook and making sure not ONE student was missing!! Thank you Sarah and Kami for being coaches for GOTR!!
May 29- June 1 Report cards due to Jas
May 29- Dragon Awards; AR party
May 30- Royal King dance starts
May 30- Royal King dance starts
June 1 Last day for MAP testing
June 5 8th graders at Six Flags; Staff meeting/social 3:15 at Mangels
June 6 Royal King Dance student show 5:00pm
June 7 11:00 Promotion
June 8 Field day, report cards go home, minimum day
June 13 and 15 Genentech work days at SV from 9:00-2:00