*TESTING STARTS MONDAY!!! Thank you Janice and Kristin for planning a fun assembly. Thank you Julie and Christina for singing. AND thank you staff for taking a chance and dancing for our students!! Showing them you are willing to take a risk. PLEASE continue to encourage our students to DO THEIR BEST! Remember to give gum 20 to 30 minutes into testing.
Please remember a few important links and reminders:
Test Administrator Resources for Summative Assessments
Starting point for all testing: www.fsusd.org/assessm ent
Please remember:
*Students DO NOT log into Chrome Books! They go to the bottom left corner to "APPS" and select AIRSecureTest.
*Technical issues during testing: Let Jas and Kristin know first, then Call 399-5100
*Technical issues during testing: Let Jas and Kristin know and then Submit an FMX ticket
*Please be mindful during recesses during testing. The basketball courts will be closed for the next two weeks until 12:25. Students will not be able to hang out on the blacktop near rooms 21, 22, 23.
*Please be mindful during recesses during testing. The basketball courts will be closed for the next two weeks until 12:25. Students will not be able to hang out on the blacktop near rooms 21, 22, 23.
Check out this cool link for Ag lessons California Agriculture in the Classroom
Please welcome:
Here's a little bit about me.
I am a former FSUSD student - I attended Nelda Mundy, KI Jones, Green Valley Middle, and Rodriguez High, from 2000-2013. I graduated from UC Davis last spring with my BS in Human Development and Education. Currently, I am in the process of completing my Multiple Subject Credential and Masters degree through National University. My goal is to become a K-3 teacher. My husband is from Ohio, and is currently a civil engineer in the Air Force. In my free time, I love to play with my dog, cuddle with my cat, write songs, eat food, and workout.
Thank you again for this opportunity! I am so excited for the coming weeks.
I began your class I think I knew
The kind of challenges you'd make me face.
You gave me motivation to pursue
The best, and to reject the commonplace.
Your thinking really opened up my mind.
With wisdom, style and grace, you made me see,
That what I'd choose to seek, I'd surely find;
You shook me out of my complacency.
I thank you now for everything you've done;
What you have taught me I will not outgrow.
Your kind attention touched my mind and heart;
In many ways that you will never know.
I will remember you my whole life through;
I wish that all my teachers were like you.
By Joanna Fuchs
Thank you for being the best all year long!!!
We have been celebrating Staff Appreciation ALL Week this week!
If you’re a teacher, you know that these last days of the school
year can be some of the most hectic days of all: report cards are due,
cumulative folders need sorting, and kids are stir-crazy, watching the windows
with envy. So before your count-down is up, take a moment to smile about the
growth your students have made this year.
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