Friday, May 18, 2018

May 18, 2018

May 18

It is the end of the school year and it is CRAZY busy. On top of the normal crazy busy we usually have in our household, my youngest sister is getting married on Friday. She is having a traditional Sikh Indian wedding and it will be a week long of festivities in Yuba City. We are very excited and look forward to catching up with family that we haven't seen in years. SO in the evenings I will not be checking my email and will not be getting back to you as quickly on my cell phone. I will be at work every day :) 

Of course, there are multiple videos and articles covering social and emotional supports for students and why it's so important.  We NEED to use these strategies and supports in our classrooms.  Why is this important?  Why should you care?  Check out this article on WHY you should care.  Additionally, besides the obvious, social emotional supports help engage students and improve achievement.  How can we teach that in class?  Take a look at this easy read article HERE to take some time in your classroom to help teach and promote empathy and emotional supports.  

At Thursday's Board Meeting we will be presenting this video about our Permaculture Garden. Dylan, Maya, and Mikayla will be our student representatives that will be talking about our K-8 Ag program. If you can make it out to support our students the board meeting will start at 6:00 pm. 

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment:  Here is some information from Jenn Roush:
Textbook Recycling for Spring 2018

Elementary Sites: Encourage students to keep math journals and Benchmark consumables. If you
need to recycle consumables or materials that are not Board approved please request boxes from
IMC. You can box materials and schedule pickup with the warehouse. All boxes must be clearly
marked with an “R” (recycle.)

K-6 and K-8 Sites: Encourage students to keep math and ELA consumables. If you need to recycle
consumables or materials that are not Board approved please request boxes from IMC. You can
box materials and schedule pickup with the warehouse. This includes any unused Go Math
for grades 6-8. Encourage students to keep used Go Math and Springboard
consumables. All boxes must be clearly marked with an “R” (recycle.)

So before your count-down is up, take a moment to consider these ways to finish the school year with a smile.

Divide, destroy and donate

The end of the year is the best time to clean for the summer. So divide your classroom into sections and choose a different section to clean every day, that way the task doesn’t feel so overwhelming. In those sections, make a choice of what needs to be destroyed (papers with names and personal information, tests, etc.) and what could potentially be donated to a student, another teacher, or another school. (Did you really use that stack of Anne of Green Gables books this year? No. You didn’t.) This also is a great time to decide if there is anything to give to a student—perhaps a book inscribed by you, or a project that was never returned. You’ll feel great leaving your classroom ready for next year.
Deliver simple gifts to your teammates
As any teacher knows, this job would be much more difficult without the teammates on your hall. Whether it’s the teacher who always took that trouble kid under his wing, or the one who never fails to bring baked goods to the team meeting—the end of the year is a great time to thank your colleagues for making the job that much better. Some ideas? Flowers, a potted plant, or even a bag of their favorite coffee or tea can go a long way.

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Christina, Sarah, Robin and Carol for a wonderful Parent Tea. You did a great job of creating a beautiful event for our parents!! Thank you FERN for being a ROCK STAR and getting all make ups done today!!! AMAZING!!
Play: Thank you for supporting each other during testing.
Choose your attitude: 
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!

Make Their Day:  Thank you teachers who were able to make it to the parent appreciation tea :)

May 21st-24th Spirit Week

Monday: Dress in Disney gear
Tuesday:Wear western gear
Wednesday: Dress like a tourist
Thursday: Team /Spirit  gear

Upcoming dates:
May 21 - MAP testing begins
May 22 - 8:45 Talent Show
May 25 and May 28  No School
May 29- June 1 Report cards due to Jas
May 29-  Dragon Awards; AR party 
May 30-  Royal King dance starts 
June 1 Last day for MAP testing
June 5  8th graders at Six Flags; Staff meeting/social 3:15 at Mangels
June 6 Royal King Dance student show 5:00pm 
June 7 11:00 Promotion
June 8 Field day, report cards go home, minimum day

June 13 and 15 Genentech work days at SV from 9:00-2:00

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