Focus as a district for elementary education next school year will continue to be an expectation for small group instruction and academic discourse
What is Small-Group Reading?
Small-group reading is an assisted literary experience in which the teacher supports and guides students on their instructional level before, during, and after reading. The instructional level of students is assessed through teacher observation and ongoing evaluations such as informal reading inventories. This flexible, small-group setting allows the teacher to match students’ reading abilities to appropriate reading materials, observe students’ reading behaviors, and model specific reading behaviors and strategies in context. Each small group consists of two to six students who are reading on the same level or have the same instructional need. The teacher helps students develop an understanding of the text and prompts them to apply strategies to monitor and improve their comprehension.
The goal of small-group reading is to develop independent readers who think about what they are reading and know how to use a variety of strategies to gain and maintain meaning before, during, and after reading. Small-group reading is a time for students to take on more responsibility for their learning with the teacher as a safety net. She scaffolds, supports, and challenges students’ learning through explicit use of instructional texts. Students read assigned text silently while practicing the strategy or strategies. Then they discuss their thinking, all the while becoming better readers and building confidence and self-esteem about themselves as readers.
Please read FSUSD update on negotiations with FSUTA
*Progress Reports: due to me on April 26. Progress reports visible to parents May 3.
SBAC testing begins May 6th.
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Annette for leading our Battle of the Books today. Thank you Vicky for planning all in day today!! Thank you Cecily and Sarah for attending the reclassification ceremony on Tuesday.
Play: Love all in days! Such a fun way to greet students in the morning.
Choose your attitude:
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day: Write a positive note to a student and make their day!
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