Congratulations Mrs. McGuinness!!
How do we #finishstrong?!?! I know we are tired. I know we are stressed. I know there is a lot of pressure. I know we ALL have things going on outside of SV. I also know that we are here, with each other (and awake usually), more than we are with our families. So, again, HOW do we FINISH STRONG and encourage others to do the same?? Well, I think the pic above nails it. Mic drop. Keep Moving. Plan for success. COLLABORATE. Grow as an educator. Evaluate your goals and ask for feedback.
Celebrate YOU! Celebrate YOUR/OUR STUDENTS! Celebrate PARTNERS at SV!
504 Reminder:
Section 504 requires recipients to provide to students with disabilities appropriate educational services designed to meet the individual needs of such students to the same extent as the needs of students without disabilities are met. An appropriate education for a student with a disability under the Section 504 regulations could consist of education in regular classrooms, education in regular classes with and supplementary services.
Just a quick review on 504’s. A 504 is a function of general education. It does not work like an IEP, it does not have a case manager. Once the 504 is given to the teacher it is the teacher’s responsibility to make sure it is followed because a 504 is part of general education. Because a 504 is part of general education it has to be attached to your sub plans every time and the medical plan if the 504 refers to it. If you have any other questions regarding 504’s please let me know.
Walk Through Data in March
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you 7th grade team for the yummy treats at our staff meeting. Thank you Heather M. and Kristin for finishing our butterfly mural.
Play:Plan a fun activity for your class
Choose your attitude:
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day: When was the last time you had lunch with a student? Make their day by eating with a student and finding out much more about them :)
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