These two have their first day back on campus today. Chris was super excited that Maya was going to high school with him. Not sure if Maya was as excited as he was- LOL. Dylan wasn't sure what to wear and usually he doesn't care. Dylan was excited that he gets to skateboard to school. Yes, his shoes are different colors and yes they are a legit pair ;)I am so sad to see the acts of racism and violent attacks targeting Asian-American and Pacific Islanders across the Bay Area and Nation. During 9/11 it was Muslims and Indians being attacked. Black communities being attacked and continue to be attacked. These attacks are inevitably creating fear and anxiety in our families and community. It is imperative that our staff, families and community know that Suisun Valley is a safe, welcoming environment that does NOT only NOT tolerate any acts of racist behavior but is proactive in preventing racists behavior. I have seen the safe communities many of you have built with your class even through distance learning. It is often the classroom teacher a student will reach out to when confused or hurt by racist behavior. As many of you know I grew up in a small farming town. After my mom passed away I had to switch K-8 schools when I was in 6th grade. Before that moment I never really thought I was different because of my skin color. Once I entered the new school there was definitely a divide and I had racist comments said to me every day throughout my middle school and high school years. I just can't believe it is 2021 and as a society we are still being judged by the color of our skin or how we look. Currently I am in a book club with fellow administrators and we are reading So You Want To Talk About Race. I look forward to doing some work next year with ABAR so that WE can make a change here at Suisun Valley. THINGS CAN NOT REMAIN THE SAME!! Below are some lessons you can use:
Anti Asian Racism and Hate Crimes. Please note the data referenced is 2020. Recent data shows an even sharper increase in violent attacks). Shared by Freshta Gran Guzman
Ted Talk Liz Kleinrock-
Min Jee's lunch read aloud :
You Tube of the read aloud:
Please review the items in the folder in our important docs folder titled Reopening March 2021- this folder has quite a few documents in it. Please take some time to read them.
Suisun Valley Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Site-Specific Plan
Communication Tree Protocol
FSUSD Guide for Families
FSUSD Hybrid Learning Plan
Please welcome Krista Gutierrez. She will be helping Kristi in the cafeteria.
My name is Krista Gutierrez I’m new to the school district and area. I moved to California from Seattle WA around a year and half ago. My family and myself are loving the sunshine and seeing all the new people. Can’t wait to meet you all.
Please welcome Robert Klainark. He will be sharing the sub job with Meredith Del Dotto for Alee Kalyuta. His first day with us will be April 16th.
Hi SV staff, my name is Robert Klainark and I will be teaching your children at Suisun Valley School K-8. I’m sure the kids will be excited to be back in person and I’m excited to receive this opportunity to meet and teach them.
A little about me, I’m from Davis, CA, and graduated from UC Davis in 2018. I studied American Studies and got my minor in Education. After I graduated, I did a service year with City Year Sacramento and worked in a 4th-grade classroom. In 2020, I began to substitute teaching in FSUSD and in Dixon Unified School District. I am in the process of applying to a credentialing program to further my education in teaching.
Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you Heather M., Daniel, Kristin, Kristi, Krista, Christina, Patty, Donna, Gloria, and Melody making our first week back with Kinder students successful!
Play: Take some time to just relax and enjoy!
Choose your attitude:
To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. Ask yourself throughout the day, "What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?" NO EXCUSES!!
Make Their Day: Thank you for being creative when recognizing our student for Dragon awards today!
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