Sunday, March 7, 2021

March 5, 2021


Board Meeting - MARCH 11, 2021---- Proposed Return DATES Highlighted

The following information has been posted to the District's website at

  • Complete agenda information for the FSUSD Governing Board regular meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 11, 2021.

This link can be used to access the agenda information:

Please note that:

  • FSUSD Governing Board Meetings are broadcast live on YouTube:
  • FSUSD Governing Board Meetings are archived on the FSUSD Broadcasting Channel,

More info on Specific Agenda Item discussing Reopening Schools:

Eleven months ago, all schools in FSUSD closed to in-person instruction. Since March 2020, staff has provided updates to the Governing Board regarding distance learning plans and re-opening of school plans. Staff has also outlined the supports available for students, families, and staff as part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the February 11, 2021 meeting, the Governing Board took action to reopen schools for in-person instruction in the Red Tier as soon as case rate criteria is met.

Solano County is anticipated to move into the Red Tier on March 9, 2021. The District plans to implement the following timeline for the students to return to their schools for in-person instruction:

March 15, 2021: Students in preschool and elementary self-contained special education classes

- March 22, 2021: Students in transitional kindergarten and kindergarten

- March 29, 2021: Students in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade

- April 12, 2021: Students in 4th - 12th grade

During the March 11, 2021, Governing Board meeting, staff will provide an update regarding the implementation of reopening schools to in-person instruction. Topics covered during the presentation will include the following from the February 11, 2021, presentation:

- Family "Intent to Return" Process

- Timeline for Student Return

- In-person Learning Opportunities 

- Athletics 

- Music

- Meal Service

- Vaccine Rollout for Educators

- New Reopening of Schools Legislation

In order to ensure the most current information is provided to the Governing Board, the presentation that corresponds to this agenda item will be uploaded as "Additional Information" prior to the Governing Board meeting.

COLLEGE ESSAY CONTEST - begins Feb. 22. Essays have to be turned in before March 19Students can participate virtually in our college essay contest. K-8 students will be asked to write an essay explaining why they want to go to college. Students can send their essays to Kristin and she will add it to the folder below or you can directly add them to the folder below. A drawing will be held for a Kindle Reader one for K-2, 3-5 and 6-8. Remember college week will be March 22-26. Let’s get excited about college!!

Add essays here

Observable Fish Moments at SV:
Be There: Thank you for being there for each other as we navigate reopening our schools.  
Play: Make learning fun! 
Choose your attitude: Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. 
Make Their Day:  Thank you for connecting with students to make sure they feel connected to your classroom community, especially as we transition to in person learning. 

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